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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. Wow i regret giving so many hearts to that playboy. He said he would pause it for 2 songs but clearly he’s a LIAR.
  2. She’s not that chatty tonight but that’s probaby cause she’s still sick
  3. https://www.pscp.tv/w/bSbPsjF4ZUVXeU1yQXFwS1B8MU95SkFkRVFhZU1HYgkBHLNDBStXfQiS8ywxWLJ7hlf1G0j-A4JNyyE6evzs
  4. Ughh people keep going live then they end it once people start joining...i don’t get it. I’ll post the link if this person goes back on
  5. They’re in Chicago so that’s a good sign....i think....
  6. Where did this rumor about white mustang start? This is the third time I’m seeing it today.
  7. They’re backtracking because of all the backlash they received once she tweeted about it. They probaby didn’t expect lana to expose them for being greedy and not settling for what was offered. That’s the only reasoning i can think of and that makes me more sad for Lana because they really thought they could take advantage.
  8. Now they’re tying to make her look like a lying fool? Lana needs to take her theraflu and get them boxing gloves on.
  9. I agree. that’s why i said i don’t know how she’d be able to by Thursday. Seems almost impossible but she may be able to by Saturday.
  10. Don’t lose hope! The Chicago fans need to worry though. I don’t see how she’d be able to perform Thursday but maybe she’ll push through it.
  11. she’s probably been under a lot of stress lately and that can throw your immune system into a frenzy. I hope she feels better
  12. I like that she addresssd it last night. Our felon shows no fear and we love her for it.
  13. Is the periscope working for you guys? I can’t seem to connect..
  14. Oops at me threatening to fight the bitches in the front without knowing that they did try to get her to sing get free. Silly me. https://twitter.com/robbiesbaker/status/950149835268722688?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E2
  15. Idk I really don’t think she’s the type of person to do something like that.
  16. Well now we know why she sticks to the same outfit. She has to save her coins just in case things go south.
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