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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. You’re not a legend. You’ve taken one of the worst lizzy Grant songs and exploited it.
  2. I still can’t believe it wasn’t included in the set list
  3. Peachycream


    So why wasn’t this artwork used?
  4. my flip flopping ass loves cherry now I blame her live performance for my change of heart. cause what can you do darrrrlinnnng
  5. https://instagram.com/p/BfxoycUA3HE/ This gave me heartburn. Lana Lana Lana Lana Lana Bitch she hears you BUT i bet she wishes she didn’t
  6. I saw pics on Instagram saying she met everyone waiting. You guys are so lucky!
  7. I feel like nothing compares to the premiere of tropico when it literally looked like a mosh pit surrounding her. Lana has shown she can get through it all.
  8. Chuck set it up for this person named “the goddess bunny”. She has many disabilities so all the money made last night will go to her.
  9. “Ew no i’m not crying” Me when she starts screaming “IT’S HOT ” in Heroin.
  10. Rick is shaking and crying in Stevie’s arms right now. It’s ok bb we LOVE you.
  11. da fuq? I’m mad i didn’t get a notification....
  12. Please stop saying the signatures are fake. I don’t want my excitement to fade
  13. Honeymoon: 9 Music To Watch Boys To: 10 Terrence Loves You: 10 God Knows I Tried: 10 High By The Beach: 10 Freak: 10 Art Deco: 10 Religion: 10 Salvatore: 10 The Blackest Day: 10 24: 10 Swan Song: 11 Don't Let Me Be Understood: 0
  14. Favorites- get free, heroin, and the guitar part in the beginning of god bless the USA
  15. Justice for roses bloom for you!! #boycottyosemite
  16. Hearing her speak on her past stalker experiences and saying how it took her a long time to be able to laugh about it and then just a couple weeks later she had to deal with one of the worst stalkers in her life thus far....poor Lana
  17. Thank you! I was just thinking about this the other day.
  18. People are saying she cried during get free...anyone know why?
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