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  1. Will there be a parachute... big enough?
  2. What does it say for "Pretty When You Cry"?
  3. Says the person who seems to readily disregard input from people who aren't in the same "class" as them. I have more than 15 posts now, is my opinion more valid to the world now? Anyway, I'm not stinking up this thread anymore.
  4. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. At any rate, as a long time fan of VAST, I have a feeling that Jon Crosby (lead singer) simply enjoys the attention from potential new fans, and he (no offense to him) wants to keep them coming around in uncertainty for as long as possible. If he said "no" right away, no one would come asking, hence no more curious, potential fans diving into his discography, which I all suggest you do anyway. If it really is a cover, then... cool beans.
  5. Sounds like the instrumental for the new iTunes version, with a drunk choochoo train spewing out the chorus beat. Hope they don't mean to put that version on the album.
  6. You sound like me, although I've just lumped everything West Coast into one album called "West Coast". For now anyway. I'd put these remixes in there with track numbers higher than all the official non-remix versions we've got until now if I was ever going to listen to them, but none of them make any aural sense to me, maybe only the first one in the OP. I've managed to control my tagging OCD slightly and just forced myself to not care as much, because sometimes it kept me from listening to certain songs
  7. If it's not the US or UK no one cares, but "West Coast" is already on the B-list (A, B and C) of the most popular pop music radio station P3 in Norway.
  8. The "official audio" video is the Rob Orton Mix, so I'm pretty sure they'll stay with that.
  9. ^ That's a bit harsh isn't it The new mix' biggest downfall (among quite a few smaller ones) is the fact that the harmonies are louder than the base melody in the chorus, but listen to West Coast live, Lana sings the higher harmonies instead of the base melody.
  10. If anyone has a spare copy of said new iTunes mix, drop it in my PM inbox.
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