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Everything posted by brokenfaith

  1. AHHHHH so cool. can you confirm that the writing credits previously posted were real/right? also, what does it say for "The Other Woman"? definitely a cover, yeah?
  2. filthy fucking mess, don't bitch about an extra song. so fucking what if it's not released on the physical edition? would you rather not have it at all?! jesus christ
  3. Don't be so stubborn. You have absolutely no way of knowing, so don't be so ignorant as to pretend you do. It doesn't look like it is--it could be--but probably isn't. Jeese
  4. Uh they're kind of terrible! Maybe 1-2 good lines, but I would DIE if they're real. Probably fake
  5. thank jesus christ PWYC is an original, not a cover. and wow, so i wonder about the production credits!
  6. To a previous poster: don't be messy. Just because I don't want KK on the album and I want more new songs that we don't ALREADY HAVE does not mean I'm greedy. Wtf?!
  7. There's no need to re do it, it already sounds great I will be annoyed beyond belief if that happens
  8. Yup. It's a new Song. Thank you, sweet baby lord Jesus Christ
  9. What a waste of valuable time making the OP criminal
  10. The verses are repetitive? Well that makes me nervous but the chorus and song overall sound epic epic epic
  11. Waiting! Today is Thursday, sooooo Wouldn't she post if there were a preview though?
  12. I would love for Sad Girl to be the Radio of Ultraviolence--the bitchy, bitter fun song. Like someone said, kind of like flipping the bird to all the haters who call her a "Sad Girl" Because come on, it CANT be literally a song about her being sad. That'sld be terrible
  13. oh you got my hopes up. i'm sure it's just WC; i wouldn't expect anything else.
  14. She's Not Me 01. Kinda Outta Luck 02. Driving In Cars With Boys 03. Dangerous Girl 04. Dynamite 05. You Can Be The Boss 06. Paris 07. Puppy Love 08. On Our Way 09. Back To The Basics 10. Never Let Me Go 11. Live Or Die 12. She's Not Me 13. Hollywood's Dead 14. Velvet Crowbar 15. American Dream thematically, she goes from being the bad (KOL), dangerous (DG) girl who lives for love, romance, and boys (DICWB). she meets one boy (D) who at first is just a sexual desire (YCBTB), but a big ol' crush starts to develop (P, PL, OOW). soon though, the relationship starts to go downhill and everyone tells her he's no good for her (BTTB). she opens herself completely to him (NLMG), but finally has had enough. she gives him an ultimatum/one last chance (LOD), and he doesn't take it. they break up and it really destroys her (HD). he starts seeing another woman (SNM) and at first lana pretends to be tough and badass about it, but she feels like she's dying and is very depressed. she can't give up on him (VC) and she talks about how hard/bitter life is, but finally she has to, even if she's still haunted/sad by it (AD). i know i sorta twisted a couple things around, but it's pretty cohesive and tells a good story ;D i didn't do bonus tracks. maybe i would add 2-3, but these are my FAVORITE unreleased songs.
  15. Lol dumb bitch gets what a dumb bitch deserves. Lana should have called her on stage and publically humiliated her
  16. lmfao whoops thanks yeah, ultra's cover has really grown on me. a lot. i think BTD still is her best cover, but U is close behind it. i never thought Paradise's or AKA's were good
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