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Mind Melt

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Posts posted by Mind Melt

  1. Really love the EP


    The only criticism I have is the one I've had since she announced the name.

    I was mad enough that it wasn't gonna be EP3 then she actually went full on M3LL155X like how messy

  2. many songs have a beat.. whats your point


    what's not clear about my point?

    i'm just saying the song was probably produced by kieron instead of mark ronson because for one the song doesn't even sound like mark's production and lana specifically stated that kieron was doing beats for the album

  3. well lets think


    its obviously not emile haynie and his slow jamz. its probably also not rick. and its also probably not heath


    yes, that's why i said kieron, she made a post saying he was doing the beats for the album, and this song has a beat..

  4. i feel like mark ronson produced this track since she only started talking about muddy trap after he said he has a few tracks he wants her to hear


    didnt he say he was working with her in like february and she said muddy trap like a month ago


    EDIT: okay april but that was still a while ago


    EDIT 2: also i think this was kieron or w/e bc she said he was doing beats right?


    The color scheme of the cover art is totally conflicting with the sound for me. The song feels very...dark? muted colors yet the cover is very dreamy, romance novel-esque. Curious to see how the visuals, Honeymoon, HBTB, and everything else on the album connect together?

    I was just thinking the exact same thing

  6. So do we know around how long the song is yet? Correct me if I'm being a dumb cunt cus I can't be bothered to go through the last few pages of this thread again but if I remember correctly the chorus only comes up once in the song?


    Also so far everything about this era has been fucking golden...what an age to be a Lana stan :defeated:

    4:19 apparently

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