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Mind Melt

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Posts posted by Mind Melt

  1. After re-watching the teasing music/lyric video for title single, did anybody notice (besides me) that Lana is laying down with a book on her palms, and that there's a camouflaged snake in the grass nearby? I am definitely feeling the post-Tropico redemption vibes from this song, and I really hope her inner confidence will shine on the upcoming album! 


    At first, I thought the book's spine said something about Islam, but then I took a screenshot, flipped it upside down, and I think it could read "Paradise Island"? Which would tie in to the Tropico theme of "Paradise Lost" by John Milton & the whole Adam + Eve scenario? Holy moly honeymoon...Lana is so smart!!! Did anyone notice? 


    I still don't know how to post a screenshot photo on here without making it too small  :facepalm:  :worship:  :sadcore2:




    I don't see a snake either, it's definitely a blanket 

  2. Distances between lead single release date and album release date.

    • Video Games and Born To Die: 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days
    • Ride and Paradise: 1 month, 2 weeks and 5 days.
    • West Coast and Ultraviolence: 1 month, 2 weeks and 4 days.


    Since Lana's releases don't follow the release-on-Friday protocol, we could receive the album any day the bitch feels like it. But, judging by the 50-day distance pattern that the previous 2 albums have followed, Honeymoon the album might be released the 28th of August. just saying don't clock me


    We don't have a lead single yet though

  3. China.palace a few minutes ago has posted a video, where there was a girl on rollerblade with dark hair and some birds (I can't remember anything else since I watched it only once) then he/she has removed it.

    He/she is also saying that MTWBT will be release on August 1st


    I don't believe him/her, but after that video I don't know what to think, even if I'm really not sure that China.palace is Lana; maybe is someone who work with her or something but I don't think so

    They used the ending of Velvet Crowbar mixed with clips from one of Barrie's video


    Everyone in the comments of that Instagram is freaking out..

    Those poor Rays..

  4.  Also I can't stand Willam he's annoying 









    Anyway, I'm pretty sure the Miss Congenialities will be back (Ivy, BenDeLa, & Katya)

    I'd love Willam, Alaska, Alyssa, Maybe Vivienne (if she gets a personality) Trinity, Milk, April, Max (even though I'm not really a fan), & Tempest to come back

  5. Sad Girl is downright embarrassing (makes me a sad sad girl x2 and followed by 5 or 6 slurring of "Ima sad girl, bad girl" or whatever. Guns and roses has lovely verses but laZy ass chorus.


    Why does everyone who says the chorus lyrics to Sad Girl are repetitive refuse to acknowledge the actual beginning of the chorus?


    "He's got the fire and he walks with it

    He's got the fire and he talks with it

    His bonny on the side, bonny on the side

    Makes me a sad, sad girl

    His money on the side, money on the side

    Makes me a sad, sad girl"


    The whole chorus isn't just 'I'm a sad/bad girl'

  6. Ok, so, I'm listening it for the third time cause I need to understand if I like this.

    Well, I prefer the last part of the song, like, from the bridge to the end. I think she makes her voice even more heavenly than before, maybe it's an impression caused by the instrumental, she's almost singing without music in some parts and I don't really like it... But anyway, I quite like Honeymoon but I don't think I would ever literally FALL IN LOVE with this song like I did with Ride, Carmen, Old Money and others


    Exactly what I was thinking. The bridge is beautiful, and her voice in the last chorus until the end is :icant:

    All I wish is that there was more going on in the song

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