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Mind Melt

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Posts posted by Mind Melt

  1. I met Lana Del Rey recently, my name is Ashley and this is my M&G story. I met her October 20th of this year and it was horrific. She was rude, not classy and she lost a long time lipster that day. I walked into the $350 M&G and say hello she replies with "fat" and I shook it off because I thought maybe I had heard her wrong. As I approached her and asked to do my pose she stared at me blank faced. I continued talking "you saved my life" I say. "You're the reason I'm alive today". She looks me dead in the eye and says "you'll die soon enough, fatty" and then whispered "obesity". I started crying I had never felt pain like this and she started laughing and said "are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now" and she flicked my vagina. The photographer took the picture and I headed out of the M&G section and that's when Lana started speaking whale to me. I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but Lana Del Rey is in fact; a horrible person. Thank you for reading this. And if you don't believe me ask Lady Gaga he was there with me.


  2. It's Miss Amor not Miss Camaraderie. It should be out in September if everything goes according to schedule, which I doubt.


    she said when asked about the a Mc video accompanying MA: DUH




    (1000 posts yay!)

  3. yeah she said its coming 2017, it was pretty obvious since she left the labelCoco movie is in March so i think shes releasing FTSW alongside that movie

    oh she did? last I heard she said 2016 lol

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