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Mind Melt

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Posts posted by Mind Melt

  1. I think it's hilarious that people are so concerned about her being lazy with album promotion, but barely ever complain about how lazy a live performer she is for 20,000 people paying to see her every night.  I couldn't care less if she forgoes tv and radio promotion -- I just wish she put more effort into her shows that people are paying good money to see.


    Her type of music is the the type you can't really perform.

    Imagine her running around the stage being high energy while she's singing Ultraviolence. It just doesn't fit.

  2. Interscope won't put up with her antics indefinitely unfortunately. They won't back her career forever if she doesn't put effort into promo. Paradise and UV were nowhere as successful as Born To Die. If her label ditches her, that's very bad news. Lana has true talent for songwriting but does need a team of producers and some co-writers. Without the continued support of her label, she can't continue releasing good music.


    Well yeah, they weren't nearly as successful as BTD, but that doesn't mean they were commercial failures. They may not like her antics, but at least they lead to some success (and in UV's case, critical acclaim). And with Mark Ronson, I have no doubt this album will be huge, regardless of promo or not

  3. I have to ask: 

    For months I've been seeing "Lana's rushing out her 3rd album so she can go out of contract" etc etc.., but where are the receipts that her contract is for 3 albums? And who's to say she wouldn't re-sign? Sure it's not like she needs the money or wants the fame, but she loves doing music. Interscope may not like the way she goes about things they still let her release what she wants anyway. I mean they hated Paradse & Ultraviolence, they still got released and were pretty successful. So why would she quit? She has what she wants. A company backing her music career and she gets to release what she makes, not label created crap.

  4. BRwtm9j.png

    *Note that 'As Mean as You' is just a low quality recording that leaked, and the final 'FFA 1985' is the version The Bloody Beetroots released.


    I think you're missing Rancid Girl

  5. ngl I teared up for Pearl too.

    I wish Katya was there instead of Ginger.

    I like Ginger, and she deserves her spot, but as the show went on I began to like her less than I did in the beginning.

    I began to like Kennedy a bit more than I thought I ever would, but she should have been sent home a lot earlier.


    If the Top 3 was Violet, Pearl, & Katya, I would be so happy with any of them winning.


    Rooting for Pearl & Violet!

  6. we also have a song called New Americana. I posted the soundcloud link earlier in this thread 


    I probably should have read this thread before posting lol my bad.


  7. Just heard Hurricane and I really liked it, I'm looking more into her music now.

    Is all we have Room 93 or does she have more stuff?


    edit: loooool remember when i was into trashley for like 3 days

  8. I'm dumb lol, the only date I see is May 8th?


    Well yeah, the song did come ouut May 8th, it was just a different Mo lol

  9. Honestly I'm so upset about this elimination




    Katya was one of my favorites, and from the beginning I thought she was gonna be Top 3. 

    Violet is the clear winner now. Ru has never crowned a girl who lip synced more than twice, and the remaining 3 have already done that



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