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Pancake Karma

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Everything posted by Pancake Karma

  1. I appreciate the look of the video, it's pretty. The whole thing looks a mess though. Walking through someone's backyard isn't cute. I'm glad she finally took off all that eyeliner :ew:
  2. and glad she's using a filter tbh. it makes it seem more "Lana" at least she isn't going crazy and making huge expensive videos. she's staying true to her roots
  3. Pancake Karma


    why hasn't this thread been closed yet and girl you are going to regret this in two months
  4. it's alright. it's just a 15 second snippet
  5. probably either vocal layering or some kind of effect/filter thing. I don't think she uses autotune.
  6. why do all my faves have such shitty labels marina has the MESS that is 679 and Lana has interscope this is really interesting to read. i really like reading stuff about what is behind releasing an album/stuff the artist usually doesn't mention.
  7. Marina is my fave. I wouldn't really be here for a collab because they don't sound at all similar. I have no idea why people compare them in the first place, they are soo different. I obviously like both, so it doesn't matter i guess. and I know i'm a stan but what the hell is this mess. Have you ever watched an interview of hers? have you ever listened to her music?
  8. I am honestly so slayed! Queen coming for your fave's ratty extensions!
  9. I think too many people are getting involved in this, it was a calm conversation between Frances and Lana but everyone had to come stampeding in to share their uneducated irrelevant opinion. It frustrates me so much. If you weren't involved with it in the first place, stay out
  10. Aw I hope she doing well besides that.
  11. Loved the part where she was walking. She looked so beautiful and it was beautifully shot. Probably my favorite LDR video.
  12. More than thirsty for a box set but too cheap to buy one My faves are lucky because I actually but their music (I only stan 5 artists but ugh)
  13. This is odd to hear, but I can't say I don't believe it.
  14. SLAY LANASUS it looks so goodddd. Possible continuation of the WC video? The red dress is the same/similar daddy.
  15. This is really sad. I really hope she is doing ok. Instagram fans are being embarrassing about this, creating messy edits and creating a bunch of hashtags can they just not.
  16. Idk. I'm so used to Born to Die it's hard to adjust to another album, but I'm sure UV will eventually outshine BTD soon.
  17. I've love everything I have listened to so far except Money,Power and Glory :/ The lyrics are good but everything else...
  18. I became a fan after Video Games smashed, so pre-BTD. (was that summer 2011 idek)
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