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Everything posted by DeadAgainst

  1. "And when he calls, he calls for me And not for you He prays for love, he prays for peace And maybe someone new" "They will never understand the kind of people you or I am . . ." http://radio.com/2014/06/12/lana-del-rey-interview-maleficent-ultraviolence/ I know your wife, and she wouldn't mind; we made it out to the Other side. The "Other" from Katy Perry. The "Other" from Lorde. Carmen the visible girl in the red party dress vs. the unseen Self. "And when her own man comes to call on her He'll find her waiting like a lonesome queen Cos when she's by his side It's such a change from old routine" "You talk lots about God freedom comes from the call But that's not what this bitch wants . . ." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Born_to_Die_%28song%29#Music_video "Being a mistress on the side It might not appeal to fools like you Creeping around on the side Would not be something you would do "But you haven't seen my man You haven't seen my man You haven't seen my man You haven't seen him He's got the fire And he walks with me" Answering the Call of the Riddle of the Sphinx: Fire Walk with Me (on the Wild Side)
  2. The mastering on the iTunes release definitely seems better than the CD release; there's a bit of headroom and it isn't slamming up against 0dB and clipping everywhere
  3. "Money, Power, Glory" even sounds like it's riffing on Lorde's "Glory and Gore," she is def. wielding daggers
  4. "Black Beauty" is one of the best songs ever recorded "Florida Kilos" is one of the worst songs ever recorded Ultra & Violence, Roses & Guns
  5. Google 'AA cult' and Atlantic Group is literally the first result http://www.thefix.com/content/cult-aa-Atlantic-Group-Clancy-Pacific-Group-London-Joys2092?page=all
  6. http://csp.org/experience/james-varieties/james-varieties8.html Lizzy is a classic "twice-born" who attains to a new name, Lana, having rejected the name given to her at her first birth -- and such is the root of her melancholy Bradley doing the "Hanged Man" pose in "Born to Die" The more we learn about "Ultraviolence" the less sense it makes on a literal level; clearly she isn't literally telling Jim that she wants to leave Barrie and run away with him to New York, is she? She is an accomplished symbolist--as she says, her imagination is vast. Do her critics, then, act as her own initiators? http://hermetic.com/legis/new-comment/ "My heart it breaks every step that I take But I'm hoping at the gates they'll tell me that you're mine" http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/14599/pg14599.html
  7. :flutter: The "cult leader" is the Hierophant of the Tarot The "Born to Die" video shows her as the High Priestess (flanked by two Beasts--Gemini twins) and Bradley as the Hanged Man, and thus proves she is no stranger to employing such symbolism . . . Lana's sadistic guru figure mirrors the process of esoteric Initiation, of being alchemically "broken down" before being "raised"; the Janus-faced nature of the Beast http://www.ata-tarot.com/resource/cards/maj05.html = "I pledge allegiance to my dad for teaching me everything he knows" http://www.students-of-tarot.com/interviews/MaryGreer.html "... I was filled with poison But blessed with beauty and rage" http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/4824-because-of-you/ "Had a face like an angel but inside my heart, Was as black as a broke movie screen, [= Deadly Nightshade] (It was pretty sad). But when I saw you standing there, Like a millionaire, give me your number, Call me before I get stupid. Make me uncrazy, like you did. [Jim raised me up] Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing." The riddle of Ultraviolence and hitting like a kiss. The pontifex, again attributed to Tiphareth, is the bridge-builder that raises up the Daughter to the throne of the Mother (Mississippi South to Mississippi North), the Vav = 666, the Ultraviolent Beast as the Son (a bad baby by Binah's heavenly side) The Beast and Scarlet Woman, or Hierophant and High Priestess -- Ultraviolence, released 6/16, the other number of the Beast ("your little scarlet starlet") "Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines Cause I'm your jazz singer And you're my cult leader" Refer to the statement about the Tetragrammaton above -- http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Q0JCUgKECZUJ:www.archidox.org/Theosophical%2520Zohar-Cap%25207-The%2520Shekinah.docx+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a "Blessed is this, this union"
  8. He used to call me DN It stood for deadly nightshade Cause I was filled with poison But blessed with beauty and rage
  9. Y'know Lana could've easily pulled the misogyny card wrt how she was treated, and clearly she doesn't want to make that the issue
  10. Another "Methamphetamines" reference "What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a maid? Ice and desire."
  11. What are you using? It sounds good on a nice pair of headphones + DAC that can recover the detail ... the EQ's not jacked-up in the same way pop albums are I wonder what monitors Lana used? The only track I have a problem with production-wise is "West Coast," that plastic drum sound just isn't satisfying at all
  12. If we listened to all of her interviews instead of reading them would they all be so utterly charming instead of upsetting
  13. Back to the East ... we can escape to the Great Sunshine http://www.swedenborgstudy.com/books/T.Pitcairn_The-Story-of-Creation-in-Genesis/Pitcairn5.htm The girl in red = the "outer man" The girl in white = the "inner man" http://www.fastcocreate.com/3023186/the-director-of-lana-del-reys-tropico-film-helps-us-make-sense-of-it-all http://www.thefader.com/2014/06/04/lana-del-rey-cover-interview/ Thus they denounce her as "fake," but see only their own superficiality and condemn themselves http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fkulturspiegel%2Fd-89726953.html The external man sees only the external woman ... the soul of the thing-in-itself is not apprehended, since like can only see like ... http://gnosis.org/naghamm/2seth.html She leaves her lover in the radio mix "for the music"; i.e. she is voluntarily crucifying herself on the stage by turning her life into a work of theurgy; a Phoenix committed to the flames. But it is only the external, bodily Lana (a china doll) that is subjected to the slings and arrows of her crucifiers; her essential Self is beyond these things.
  14. Given some other statements in that interview, she may mean that in a metaphysical sort of way; i.e. the poets she cites (Whitman, Ginsberg, Eliot) all had a spiritual dimension, as does Barrie's recent work, while, say, her peers are less likely to make a 27-minute Kabbalistic allegory of the Garden of Eden
  15. Lana ha "Teenage Wildlife" is here "Same old thing in brand new drag Comes sweeping into view As ugly as a teenage millionaire"
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones
  17. I finally understand her fascination with science Not really a cult, per se
  18. What a sad sweet girl, there aren't enough s in the world I see her point about feminism. It should be about a woman doing what she truly wills, and no man saying otherwise.
  19. Theme: "Got my bad baby by my heavenly side I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight" Strength and Temperance; the wrath of a wild child quenched by the virgin "Spotlight, bad baby, you've got a flair For the violentest kind of love anywhere out there Mon amour, sweet child of mine, You're divine. Didn't anyone ever tell you It's OK to shine?" Without any music videos for the other songs, I can only speculate ... maybe "Ultraviolence" is just about how much she loves Jimmy Gnecco's D. But I also remember this: http://www.idolator.com/7443878/lana-del-rey-new-album-spiritual-stripped-down-dark "Spiritual" "You have no room for light Love is lost on you ... Oh, what can I do? To turn you on or get through to you"
  20. Thus the otherwise inexplicable critical animosity towards her. On an unconscious level they project their own poison and darkness onto one of the few women who is actually free (so she says in "Ride"), as she represents everything that they are not. "Comprende these white lines," or understand YAYO-- I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama Let me put on a show for you, daddy A transition from the particular (the Son and Daughter) to the general (the Father and Mother)--externalized beautiful Form (Maya-shakti the jazz singer as High Priestess) creates play for the Observer (Siva the cult leader as Hierophant)--Video Games--"Don't you know you are the world?" The girl in red as Body (Electric), with poison in her tar-black soul ... the cup of Babalon is filled with (Summer) Wine, (Diet Mountain) Dew and bitterness--"just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean" (as she dreams of Zep Tepi in the Urgrund of the Nun) Reminded me of when we were kids I'm very familiar with Jung ... his work on alchemy is invaluable here of course. The animus has potent negative aspects as well. I'm not sure if I would classify L as a Thelemite, but there are certain common themes -- http://hermetic.com/crowley/book-4/aba2.html Son = animus, Daughter = anima. The Mother is the Lonely Queen, the Self. Father Yod as Jim. I note the "empty throne" of Binah behind her ...
  21. Legit Bowie of the 21st century This is what makes us girls We don't stick together 'cause we put SJWing first
  22. She has a symbolic language of her own. Themes are repeated like recurring hieroglyphs or musical notes.
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