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Everything posted by ArtDecoDelRey

  1. so you're telling me that J*red has been on LB since 2013...?????? Damn I rlly thought they shot out of Jack's asscrack in 2019 but whatever. On topic,
  2. i hate to break it to you but it seems that rick's instagram is just going in chronological order of all of the projects he's worked on
  3. lmao mostly nfr era pics but whatevs! i'm interested in the interview anyways, looks like we have another discography review too.
  4. so non-heterosexual people can't become pregnant? lol
  5. OMFG thats one of my favorite scores ever... and that's my fav HP aesthetic wise! Ever since the title track came out, I thought that the album would have a sort of fantastical or whimsical element, I can't wait to hear in full ugh.
  6. thinking about lana babysitting and singing lullabies to put the baby to sleep... lemme go listen to cherry blossom and cry. also if the 25 week photo is recent that the baby will have a birthday very close to lana's!
  7. OMG YAY CHUCK!!!! I'm so happy for her! Auntie Lana <3
  8. if anyone ever finds out how to change album covers on spotify, please post that! I know I can make my own playlist with downloaded MP3s but I want her to get my streams! At this point what I think I'll do is just make a playlist with the official songs and just change the playlist cover, at least.
  9. wait is that yosemite pic not an edit? it looks a little funny
  10. I can't see many American magazines wanting her on their cover right now given her public image... 2012 all over again lol
  11. wow maybe they're actually trying this time, usually one of her managers will post 3-4 days after the cover reveal lol
  12. see in this type of situation idk if blasting cocc would be soothing or eventually traumatizing for future listens
  13. omg i can't believe its been eight years since she announced the album imagine how tired we are
  14. i have a question for the people who have heard the leak in full (preferably multiple times) If I go into the album with this sonic atmosphere/vibe, will I be dissapointed?
  15. wayament... lana and the pig were first spotted a few days after the beginning of the NFR! tour, but she mentioned white hot forever three weeks before that in her NYT interview....and Chase posted photos of Lana not long before the NFR! release... Thoughts?
  16. trust me i love those projects but for me there's no other place for them in my rankings </3
  17. https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Chuck_Grant?file=Normannotracklist.jpg#Shoot_.2362_.28February.2C_2019.29_for_Norman_Fucking_Rockwell.21
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