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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. I don't want to keep commenting but there is too much to say. And it's not like I feel it needs to be said, or that I am any better than anyone who commented on here
  2. Trash Magic

    Britney Spears

    she can look amazingly hot is she wants to lol I don't understand. She looks better in candid shots at Wango Tango then in most photoshoots
  3. DaftDog posted dangerous girl on Soundcloud and Jim Irvin (?) that posted Hit It & Run that evil recently posted
  4. I still dont see any "bullshit" on his behalf. he said he'd share it, someone decided to be smart and appear a bada$$ and he said thats the reason he wouldn't share it. Not that I really care
  5. How the fuck was he acting such an asshole by telling Lana fans that he did a song with her?? Or "teasing" us all has become such an offense??
  6. Trash Magic

    Britney Spears

    Noo. Stupid auto correct
  7. I'm actually shocked at everyone's attitude on here. The responses have been disgusting. :ugh:
  8. That's great I'm sure she'd love your story Well she allegedly started drinking at age 14 and was sent to boarding school at age 15 to straighten out, then she went to self help groups when she was back in New York. You'll find a lot of her lyrics have connotations to drinking etc.
  9. Trash Magic

    Britney Spears

    He looks really hot at wango tango
  10. In seriousness I think now she is styled where they draw her Cupid's bow in, without it I think they'd look pretty much the same
  11. i've listened to it twice and one of those times was watching the music video
  12. Young & Beautiful is horrible
  13. She brought the animated video games orchestra to life The video was boring though, almost as bad as the song :smoke: And the teardrops, clearly a reference to K(s)
  14. monickers greatest hits right here
  15. cant wait for emile to get his hands on those spanish strings
  16. Language, please.. Lizzy, I'll pray for you - and that disgusting mouth of yours.
  17. Trash Magic

    Crooked Cop

    Im sure I heard "gas station queen" no i didnt
  18. I dont like the thread title, something like Recurring lyrical themes would be more fitting??? I can be your MS. USA - heavy hitter
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