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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. Honestly I don't know how the majority of you find it so hard to wait or have patience!! It's really not that difficult do you not have anything else going on to distract you
  2. I think it sounds a little like the bridge of Paradise by Coldplay ~2:50 mark I love Nelly and am always listening to her old stuff haven't properly listened to the new album just yet
  3. Has nobody noted how 3 yrs ago today she tweeted the west coast single cover
  4. It's literally the best song... poor your taste
  5. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ((NSFW)) 6m6 minutes ago
  6. Trash Magic

    Harry Styles

    Trash. Lyrics make no sense, they're just sentiments placed next to each other
  7. Your signature is SO cool. also someone post the baby vid don't be extra and keep deleting it for "the babys privacy"
  8. LMAO that cat outfit. it's cool she is doing more out of the box stuff. Would actually be LIT from waist up without headscarf. Like the 2017 version of this pic honestly
  9. doesnt matter cause it will still be the Honeymoon era regardless on this site
  10. fucking AMAZING. I'M so happy about that account being removed. Sick loser
  11. Trash Magic

    Charli XCX

    this should be very entertaining
  12. It feels like a definitive Lana Del Rey song. She just sounds so confident and in control of herself
  13. Still not bored of Love at all. I actually think it's better than Video Games, Ride, West Coast and definitely High By The Beach. I love it so much
  14. Trash Magic

    Charli XCX

    She should really get CupcaKke at one of the number 1 angel shows.. seems kind of like a missed oppurtunity if not
  15. Trash Magic

    Dua Lipa

    Yeah i'm kind of over her. She still doesn't have any kind of artistic identity
  16. so how do we all feel knowing we are on the cusp of lana releasing her best album to date and one of the greatest of all time?
  17. Since she's doing something so different w this announcement I would HOPE that means she's passionate enough about the new album that the her next shows this year will be predominantly new material
  18. Trash Magic

    Dua Lipa

    I saw her ex boyfriend today ctfuuuuuuuuuu
  19. Well I'm pretty certain even if there won't be a deluxe edition there will still be an Urban Outfitters or LDR online store with alternate album cover. I always forget both honeymoon and ultraviolence have official alt covers
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