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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. Topics that need to be banned:

    1. Marina. So boring, she is no Lana.

    2. Astrology. Go pray to your crystals or waste your money on some quack psychic. No rational person wants to hear about how animal star constelations determin our personalities. You are literally mentally stunted if you believe that.


    Yeah of course I know Rufus Wainright. Pretty sure everyone knows that Hallelujah song, even if they couldn’t name who sings it.


    What do you guys think about this week’s album releases? Am I crazy to think that Lil Pump brought a stronger album than Gunna, Offset and Kehlani? I am excited to hear Gesaffelatein on March 8 and Lizzo on Apr 19



  2. Ya'll crazy right?? Her music and lyricism has definitely dwindled since her UV days. LFL and NFR have basic medicore production. It just sounds like muffled noise with cheap beats over it. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of songs on LFL and I love MAC and VB, but her earlier stuff was stellar and iconic. Her latest stuff sounds painfully basic. It's not rich in sound, there's no storytelling as compelling as OTTR and Black Beauty - none. Even if your opinion is the complete opposite to mine, I can't take anyone seriously if you say her latest stuff is better. :oprah3:

    “kiss me in the d.a.r.k. dark tonight

    d.a.r.k. do it my way

    kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park tonight

    p.a.r.k. let them all say

    hey lolita hey

    hey lolita hey

    i know what the boys want i’m not gonna play”

    has entered the chat

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