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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. Don't mention Ariana (even though this new album is a fucking bop and everything was planned out so well and this era felt like something new was always on our way whether it was a tracklist, song or video) cause alot of the stans like to drag her here and say "it's only pop music!" "It's not even that good" even tho our lovely sister Lana literally just has a guitar, a drumset, a piano and electric guitar and takes 12 months to produce it all with some less than complicated lyrics :creep: still love Lana tho, it's just us stans have no right to talk about production and music quality unless we're speaking of BTD or Paradise (also wait for me to get dragged tf out just for saying this even though it's true) don't get me wrong I love Lana's whole discography but I wouldn't necessarily describe any of her work after 2015 as being complex, it's just feel good music. Again so y'all don't cuss me out, we love every Lana album in this house! :poordat:


    baby what is you doing

  2. Ew ew ewwwww

    Please I don't even wanna think about the fact that Jack has a penis. I can already see his little stank corn chips smelling nerd ass whaling on top of Lana like "baby is this good for you? Yeah..... mhmm *snorts and adjusts glasses* Is my 3 inch cock good? Is it hitting ur fun spot?" And Lana's like "yeah.. wtv" like ewww ewewewew especially him being inside Lorde gurl noooo


  3. May I remind you

    "lana "stranger than a stranger" del rey is dead. anyone complaining about her not wearing the beehive hair is a dirty capitalist who buys sweatshop off-white knockoffs. anyone who can't see the value of the last three singles in her career doesnt deserve to stan"


    You threw Freak, Honeymoon, BTD and all of its fans under the bus sis. "dirty capitalist who buys sweatshop off-white knockoffs." This statement is literally you trying to make people feel ashamed of what they enjoy by reducing them to said statements. "anyone who can't see the value of the last three singles in her career doesnt deserve to stan" again, everyone doesn't have to like the same things. Some people might not like the last three singles, and that's their prerogative. Imagine how boring the world would be if we all liked the same stuff and dressed the same. I'm just reminding you, you don't have to put others down in order to rectify your own opinions. It just makes you seem bitter and closed minded, that's all. :kiss: sending you love though



    go continue your gratuitous lecture on that bus you speak of



  4. Why do y'all have to constantly hear yourselves speaking about how great this album is going to be in order to convince yourselves and also put down other eras Lana and us enjoyed? It truly doesn't make sense and seems like most of you aren't confident in this era, so you have to reassure yourselves by looking for others who agree with you. Just enjoy the fucking music sisters. Taste is subjective. Humans aren't cookie cutter molds, we all come from different walks of life and enjoy different things. You can enjoy and hype up the album without making fun of her beehive or stranger than a stranger line, it just makes you look less credible and cheapens your approach at approving this album. We can all like different albums. If you like this era, say "I like this era, it has got me so excited!", Not "this era is better than lust for life/btd/HM badadadada bibi boopboopboop" like no. Sit down, appreciate the past, be thankful Lana's past albums lend her to this point her career, and be grateful, or shut the fuck up. :heart:


    you are reaching so hard i-

  5. we have her three strongest, most critically endorsed singles in her discography, venice bitch is the biggest musical stride she has ever made; there is no other pop artist with as big a foothold in the industry that would even think about putting out a 10-minute-long single. we have some of her best songwriting, and the best lyrics she has ever written. lana "stranger than a stranger" del rey is dead. anyone complaining about her not wearing the beehive hair is a dirty capitalist who buys sweatshop off-white knockoffs. anyone who can't see the value of the last three singles in her career doesnt deserve to stan


    this will be her best album



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