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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. omfg those bartender lyrics if this is real...yikes
  2. omg i love you absolutely a 10...sass level + clown nose = perfection
  3. movebaby

    Never Have I Ever

    almost certainly have at some point or another never have i ever failed a class
  4. i just figured top=beginning as in "take it from the top" but i guess lana isn't known for making sense
  5. it really was just a matter of time after the porn thread got resurrected, wasn't it?
  6. .......what if the other one is the charlies angels song
  7. anyway stream doin time http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10817-movebabys-knockoffs-and-offshots-of-rormannockwells-stick-figure-art/ http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10816-rorman-nockwells-stick-figure-album-covers/
  8. sorry guys i gotta get back to listening to my music library of EXCLUSIVELY living, working, current artists who put out 2 or more albums a year and write me a personal letter every week xoxo
  9. well how could we deprive you of the only source of joy in your life?
  10. i mean why the fuck else would you be constantly going after people? just to feel superior?
  11. oh, was there one? good job totally obfuscating and deflecting from it, coulda fooled me
  12. oh ok, this explains a lot! thanks for your time
  13. i genuinely can't tell if you're being purposely dense or actually want an explanation
  14. imagine caring this much about how someone else feels about an artist
  15. movebaby

    Never Have I Ever

    i was in an opera when i was 12 but we like to forget about that never have i ever dyed my hair a crazy/bright color
  16. trying to police other people's feelings is kinda sad
  17. my desktop photo is an edward hopper painting! this one is one of my favorite pieces of art ever
  18. i like to feed my pet cheetah edibles and play him venice bitch
  19. well he predicted that i was gonna get a bag of m&ms with more blue ones than green ones yesterday, and it came true, so i'd say pretty damn trustworthy
  20. i asked my psychic and he said it's coming tomorrow
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