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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. just a haggard looking thom yorke trying to stifle any signs of life in this thread
  2. i know self-awareness isn't your strong suit, but i can buy you a mirror if you need one
  3. banned bc your username anagrams to "nun robe" and you must therefore be a hillsong spy
  4. yes! i love that album and that song in particular, even if it's not on the level of her earlier masterpieces. i love that scenario lol
  5. Honeymoon - 20 God Knows I Tried - 25 (-) Salvatore - 32 (+) The Blackest Day - 46
  6. 10! so sultry and glam, i love it
  7. oh you best believe it!!
  8. i'll probably keel over out of my wheelchair and use my arthritic fingers to press my lifealert button
  9. y'all the reason people are talking about her retiring is because SHE HERSELF sure seems to want to. it's not because we don't want her music, it's because of...well honestly i don't even need to get into it because there are literally dozens of extremely well written posts laying it out and if you didn't get the message those times you're just being deliberately dense make a pm group!!
  10. them baddie friends drinking matcha and rye, saying "on your private jet we will fly"
  11. nfr album: are you ready for it? nfr era: this is how to disappear
  12. i made this one the other day, but obviously it's a slightly different picture and text placement/sizing:
  13. agreed 100%. also imo complaining and being grateful are not mutually exclusive
  14. banned bc that knife gif in your signature feels like it's literally hypnotizing me and like controlling my mind or something
  15. i think i kind of have the inverse view on this, like...say she released a song next week and was like "the album's coming out on august 15" (or whatever date, i just pulled that one out of my ass for example purposes), i'd be like, ok, near future, i've waited this long so what's another ~5 weeks? versus if she released a song and said "the album's coming out on december 30" my thirsty ass would prob give in and listen to it bc the gap is big enough to need a bridge and unrelated, i don't even know if anything i just said made any form of sense bc i am very sleep deprived at this moment! it's always a good time out here during insomniac hours
  16. feel free to dredge up this post in the future as receipts for my complete and total clownery, but i honestly think if she releases another single before the album i won't listen to it until the full thing comes out
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