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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. she's gorgeous with or without fillers, but when she has them she looks good in spite of them, not because of them. she has the right to do whatever she wants with her face but imo it's a pity because she's so pretty without them
  2. karmacoma - massive attack (not even gonna lie, k was a hard letter hahah) i play this song on repeat in the car at night a lot, it reminds me of a specific intersection for some reason super addictive sonically/rhythmically next letter: D
  3. ya know what? it's still thursday morning here, but somewhere in the world it's friday already, so i'm just gonna bust out the clown nose now. happy nfr release date bitches profile pic creds to @@RormanNockwell of course
  4. i think i'm gonna celebrate her birthday nfr's release date this friday by putting a clown nose on my profile picture i welcome anyone who cares to join me
  5. i had a dream that the title of this thread was changed to just the word “bread”
  6. on mobile so i can’t embed but just envision a “we’re all in this together” gif
  7. how dare you put this energy out into the universe
  8. that was a wild ride through those links lmao and you're not wrong
  9. i meannnnnnn my psychiatrist literally said the first thing that clued her in to my bipolar diagnosis was how often i change my hair color on impulse
  10. opera singer - cake pretty much anything by cake takes me back to when i was about 15 or so and a teacher i had who was more like a friend of mine than an authority figure...this specific song reminds me of a night when i was in the car with her on a crazy busy freeway, where for some reason everyone was driving like an absolute maniac, plus it was raining. i was trying to navigate via google maps and tell her which exits to take while she (who was normally very chill and unruffled) was yelling various profanities at the windshield as she tried to switch lanes without getting hit; all the while, this song is playing on the stereo. it was stressful at the moment but kind of hilarious looking back next letter: t
  11. tbh i don't give a norman fuck whether her lyrics have "matured" as long as they and the songs as a whole are still good
  12. "i luv the songs i put out" yeah i should hope so! "hey guys, i'm just posting to say that i fucking hate the songs i put out over the last year "
  13. where the fuck does drake fit into the vibe of this album
  14. YES if it's not the opening track i will riot
  15. honestly the hiab-as-the-title-track thing makes a lot of sense. (also, wasn't there a discussion about that possibility however many hundred pages back? i'm not at all trying to shut anything down, i'm just getting hella deja vu and couldn't remember whether that was a real thing or just my delusional ass inventing things)
  16. happy page 2021 girls and gays and gargantuan grasshoppers! here's a song about waiting for this damn album
  17. i mean we've established that she lies about herself and her past right and left, but, be that as it may...how is announcing an album and then not releasing it and pretending it never existed going to help her "persona"? like, i don't think that's what this is about
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