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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. i love you i can’t wait to see it never underestimate how unhinged i am
  2. that cover abomination is the reason my search suggestions now scream "burning pride flag" at me when i type the letter b
  3. i say this as if i don't have Lana Del Rey - TINDERBOX Full Concert Live 4K. Odense, Denmark 27.06.19 playing in another tab
  4. hand-colorizing the blue jeans video frame by frame, buckle in bitches xx
  5. your wish is my command textless version coming soon to a redbubble near you
  6. i think i would transcend the earthly plane if i heard that
  7. Y E S omfg i cannot possibly agree with this enough!!!!!
  8. don't worry guys, we can still have a car in the cover
  9. maybe she can just keep saying 2 months till we all shrivel up and die
  10. movebaby

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    this pains me but...marry megan fox's thumb (hopefully it's also attached to the rest of megan fox), fuck noodle boy (this won't work with regards to sexual orientation so maybe i can get out of it), kill trisha skirtsandsuits, valerie vogt, cookie monster
  11. god bless the supermarket - and all the beautiful produce in it grapefruit love lime by the peach? florida kilos except its just about fruit shipments dark pearadise obvs
  12. um video grapes, bel pear, ultravilemonce, mango peach guava (money power glory), old honey(crisp), honeydew (does it count if she actually says it in the song? ), cantaloupe-watermelon in my mind, beautiful peaches beautiful problems, tomatoes never came, shucked my way up to the cob (yes it's a vegetable but i can't not)
  13. i'd literally be more ok with this than with that vile production jackoff shat out onto how to disappear
  14. movebaby


    omg i haven't listened yet, will report back
  15. sameeeeeeeeeee medicare, free tuition, and nfr for all
  16. is...is dgd not dance gavin dance? or am i getting r/whooshed
  17. this is the only correct answer (and if jackoff fucks it up with that garbage wedding slow dance production like he's bound to do i will not rest till he atones for his sins)
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