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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. sullen girl - fiona apple


    there’s like 4 songs on this album that start with s and the only question was which of those 4 songs i’d pick. i won’t go into a ton of detail because it’s a game thread not movebaby’s Emo Bitch Hours (though i bring Emo Bitch Hours everywhere i go so i guess it’s a fine line), but i...relate to the lyrics a little too much. also the instrumental section is so gorgeous and rips my heart out a little


    next letter: n

  2. time for me to come necromance some music threads since lana is busy doing whatever the fuck she's doing right now


    anyway i found meg via her tiny desk concert, which should be mandatory viewing for, idk, everyone:



    live versions that are better than the studio versions? a kate bush cover? a glittery blue jumpsuit? what more could you ask for

  3. Just attending really isn’t advocating tho??? She’s never posted “going to church to see my anti-gay babies tonight” she never posts about it. She’s never publicly said, “Oh, go support Hillsong!!!!” Not once. It’s her private life. Would you rather her stream their service at home and stay out of public forever then, like a recluse??? I mean, she can’t catch a break... no matter what she does.



    Everyone is ignoring my point. The point is, assuming things doesn’t get anyone anywhere, especially when we don’t know the nature of her going.


    I get people feeling strangely about this and I get it being an issue for some, but I really hope you all can have some sort of peace. I mean, it just seems really unhealthy all of the negativity here rn

    i get what you're saying but doesn't attending something regularly and repeatedly like demonstrate implicit support? and even if it didn't, the vast majority of churches solicit donations from their attendees. i sincerely doubt someone as well off as lana attends a church regularly without donating in some degree (yes that's an assumption, and i could be wrong, but i don't think it's at all improbable). hell, back when my family went to catholic church and lived off government assistance, we still donated to the church (not that i support this at all!! i was like 5 and my parents were too damn idealistic!! i think it was a stupid thing to do but my point stands!!). the very nature of living in a capitalistic society means we vote with our capital, whether we like it or not. it's the same reason people boycott companies (but imo giving money to a sketchy religious organization is even sketchier than buying something from a sketchy company, bc of churches' tax exempt status). anyway i digress, my point was that (imo) she definitely implicitly supports it by attending repeatedly, and possibly explicitly supports it via monetary contribution


    that's all

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