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Posts posted by movebaby



    It's fun to joke about, but it's not something anyone should actually do. Like, it's disturbing. I have OCD and I hate it, I hate my stupid obsessive tendencies, esp with collecting shit. Like a couple years ago I was obsessed with having every Lana song, even the ones I didn't like and never listened to. That shit's fucked up. Normalizing & glorifying stan behavior doesn't help anyone


    ah not to like veer off and therapize but same, that's why i say "i'm not a stan of anyone" when what i really mean is that i'm equally a stan of literally every musician i listen to when it comes to interviews and knowing whole discographies back to front and other obsessive pointless shit


  2. Serious question to y'all...


    Am I the only one who kinda wants to unstan? literally


    not at all. i mean i don't really consider myself a "stan" of anyone per se but like...i'm losing interest, this bitch is really TRYING us. if it's not irresponsible unprofessionalism, it's a homophobic cult church, and if not that it's something else (feminism is uninteresting? trying to perform in israel?) and lately it's a terrible cocktail of everything. she's becoming less and less likeable to me and as much as i love her music and who i used to believe she was (it's hard for me to figure out whether she really was that or just had me fooled), i'm just annoyed and kinda done with her behavior right now. it's hard for me to stay interested or excited when everything is this messy

  3. God Bless America- and all the homophobic people in it


    ohhhh @@RormanNockwell (sorry, the mention feature refuses to cooperate rn) she must've skipped the middle generation in "the children and their children's children" bc some of them were gay. homo del phobia at her finest. plus the whole deal with the owner of coachella donating to anti-lgbt charities...it all makes sense now  :creep:  :toofunny:

  4. Well, it starts w the soft drone like intro, reminds u of the late afternoon, when the lights are all dramatic and heightens everyone's emotions . Everyone's amazingly lazily beautiful. The colors in the light are dramaticized with a burning heavenly glow of tangerine. She begins as if skipping w a one-two tempo softly with her melody. Raises the notes at I believe in a place you take me, make u real proud of ur baby, like an intimate lullaby and proceeds w the soft one-two. She ends it w a coy flirtation of making her love realize how itred he'll b w the fun they'll have. End snippet- Like, how magical is that? tumblr_ma0a5ytUET1r2r9z6o5_r5_250.gif

    my heart hurts goddamn i NEED it!!

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if she is a pathological liar tbh. I don't mean that in a horrible way but like...yeah.


    i actually have thought this many times before...not in like a bad way but like, she just seems to have a really overactive imagination and likes to present it as reality, and then change it whenever it suits her

  6. umm i'm too tired to be coherent but i have a whole lotta portishead love to spew into the void so for now i'll just add the fact that mysterons legit makes me cry from sheer sonic beauty

  7. That & also the line where she says “get a little bit of matcha in ya”

    Idk how you guys didn’t put 2 & 2 together tbh


    i'm still kicking myself over missing the "get a little bit suburban" double entendre that alludes to both adopting the persona of a suburban soccer mom and to lana's ever-present reference point: cars, of course, specifically the Chevrolet Suburban



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