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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. alright WELL...i’m not going to do a ~*campaign*~ cuz i really truly hate engaging in self promo (you’d never know it by my lanastickfigures plugging, but that’s purely bc i want rorman’s skillz to get the attention they deserve ;)) but in light of recent events of the decade-end-lana-del-rey-ranking (reynking? idk i tried) variety, i shall quote my post from that thread here:


    omg west coast at number 1?? well i loathe self promo in general but i feel like this is a sign y’all should vote movebaby (ooh baby, i’m in love) for best taste in the lipsters :hoe:

    also if you feel like it, you can vote me for best new member (!!!), best banned member, & self loathing blog fiend (more content coming there very very soon), lanastickfigures for best instagram, and me for best artist on behalf of myself, rorman, & lanastickfigures. or not, if you don’t want to. we’re all humans with free will here :) (unless of course you don’t believe in free will... but this probably isn’t the time or place for me to get carried away waxing nietzschean)


    anywho i hope you’re all having a lovely day/night/whatever the fuck time it is where you live and i look forward to seeing y’all at the ceremony!

  2. Does this mean I'll fight over anything and say whatever, whilst you pick your fights more carefully and think your arguments through? Cos that makes perfect sense. 




    Cinna vs HIAB

    lmaoooo if anything it means i argue [REDACTED]ly...its just kinda tempered by all my [REDACTED] shit

  3. Most people nominated you separately that’s why I did it that way. And it’s more fun that way, one of you will have to beat the other one... :kiss:         Jk    I can’t edit it now as the poll is live, but if either of you ends up winning I’ll make sure to award both.

    gotcha!! that works lol thanks so much. bring on the collaborator rivalry :smile2:

  4. @@Lad is there any chance rorman and i could be a joint ticket in the artist category? i know that’s like...not how it works but imo it makes no sense for us to be separate nominees when most of what we make is legit 50/50 collabs

  5. I would like to know if you all analyse the production of every song you listen to the same way you seem to be doing for this (excellent sounding, almost unanimously critically praised, lauded as album of the year by multiple music publications, GRAMMY Album of the Year nominee ) album or if you just have preconceived notions about Jack Antonoff for whatever reason and come up with these empty arguments to back up the fact you don't like the songs? Like are you all music engineers and production aficionados? Or perhaps you'd prefer Lana record through a sheet of paper or on a two dollar mic so that you can complain about those factors ruining the songs again too? Or work with Keiron Menzies again so you can complain about his contributions to the production of Honeymoon and Lust For Life like you did when those albums were released? Or go back to working with Rick Nowels so you can complain about how she doesn't work with anybody new and always makes music that sounds the same again? Or complain about Emile Haynie "overproducing" Born To Die?

    dude it’s truly not that deep. can’t speak for anyone else obvs but i literally just know what sounds good to me and what doesn’t, and it’s kinda funny to me that when we don’t provide specific critiques we’re just hAtErS but when we do we’re “unfairly overanalyzing”? like are we not allowed to dislike certain musical decisions lmao



    fwiw i *used to* have a much higher opinion of jack (i still think melodrama is a masterpiece)


  6. idk anything whatsoever about the beating his girlfriends thing but here's a relevant (if somewhat clumsily written) piece that lays out why exactly this whole thing at the very least looks bad: https://www.popdust.com/lana-del-rey-dating-cop-2641639738.html


    also: from a strictly statistical standpoint its not altogether unlikely  :creep:


    also also: for what its worth i'd never heard of the guy or his show before lana got with him, i have no particular knowledge of or interest in him specifically, i just fuckin hate cops 

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