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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. that could be very possible since FJM is a collab on the album. another mv serve i fear.
  2. mr NikoGo legend, you're hyping me tf up! hoping this is your psychic era.
  3. it's giving The Lighthouse (2019). i wouldn't mind that.
  4. i'm curious what this era's visuals are gonna be. honestly, in light of her halloween costume, i want a renaissance princess moment. imagine her wearing a similar outfit up in a castle like the one from the W Mag shoot. or the beauty queen/Miss Del Rey pics from the 2017 flaunt shoot. we need a true princess lana era.
  5. ok but maybe this really will be honeymoon's twin sister. i'm expecting a jazzy, orchestral sound with heartbreaking lyrics. -W Mag interview: angry songs, Honeymoon referenced twice, Swan Song mentioned -Honeymoon acct name/bio still the same, "Honeymoon is alive and breathing" -Drew charting instrumentals in April -Rockefeller has HM vibes tbh -John Batiste is involved -FJM collab im also hoping for an album trailer this era. maybe kinda like the LFL one? after all, she did post a clip of that trailer back in June. iconic.
  6. inb4 y'all hate the album and come for BOZ's throat for saying it's a masterpiece
  7. FUCK! LDR Village got me again. i couldn't pass up the "heavy metal" tee. it's too good. let's see how long this takes to ship. HONEYMOON BETTER BE NEXT.
  8. imagine that exact look on her next album cover, i'd die. lana del RENAISSANCE would be the ultimate serve.
  9. it's real because that date is 2 days after my birthday, so clearly, it's accurate.
  10. i literally couldn't sleep after hearing all of this. i just hope that lana still gets to have the rollout that she wants for this record without having to deal with it leaking early way in advance. idk if it's better for her to release it early, before leaks happen or just delay the album till she's mentally ready.
  11. also, doesn't lana hand-write/use a typewriter for her poetry?? she did at least for Violet. i'm wondering if she chose to take a different route this time around and wrote it digitally. or, maybe she did do everything by hand again, but what got stolen is the layout/structure of the book. i hope she still has physicals of her poetry. i cant imagine writing all of that over again.
  12. i'm curious to see if this will delay the album or if she'll release it sooner than intended. that's the least of her/our worries right now, but it's the intrigued stan in me. i just hope, either way, this whole ordeal doesn't negatively impact her art. she should be allowed to release when she wants and not because the threat of this fucker. i hope she can have a proper album era despite this scary situation.
  13. this situation proves how sweet and kind lana is. even after going through all of that a few months ago, she still takes pics with fans and everything. what a sweetheart.
  14. well... the scat attack did bring album news.. so our theory stands correct. HOWEVER, this whole situation is quite awful, and i feel absolutely heartbroken for her. i cant imagine having all of your precious, hard work being stolen in an instant. i really hope she's doing okay mentally and can find some sort of resolution through all of this. poor girl keeps going through the same shit. it keeps getting worse. this is the first time i ever said this, but i hope she takes all of the time she needs to release her next album, she deserves it. i'll do my best to be patient because i know she's going through so much.
  15. after that early morning scat attack that i thankfully missed, i asked my magic 8 ball if lana will announce her new album soon (ben teas) and it said "signs point to yes". i then asked if lana will drop pre-order for the album this year and it said "most likely". it's all coming together. i'm in my insider era.
  16. LMAO no wonder lana isn't promoting this shit. homegirl is barely on the track. laughable tbh. but at least i don't have to give taylor any streams, phew!
  17. this reminds me that we need a lana x kali collab. that would be a dream.
  18. us waiting for Lana's next album like we didn't just get BB a year ago:
  19. hmm... that doesn't seem like that 100% means he wasn't talking about lana's album. we didn't completely lose just yet.
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