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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. one more edit: whoops max posted it lol. i cant understand what she said after that line.
  2. the way the closest record store to me is the iconic tiktok record store lady. maybe i'll go just for her...
  3. i'm debating if i wanna drive 2 hours to mine.. idk if it's worth listening to the album for the first time over speakers with a bunch of other fans.
  4. i doubt portals will disappoint me but i may listen to the leaks for fun eventually. and maybe there will be a deluxe with some of those tracks on it! hoping for y'all!
  5. oh wow DEATH ate!! and i love the titles on the tracklist. i haven't listened to the MM3 leaks, so idc which songs did and didn't make it lol. but i couldn't be more excited for the album.
  6. i convinced myself i needed the pill case for headache meds. much cuter to carry around than in an ugly plastic pill bottle.
  7. two days till BBC1, the grants, and the alleged "surprise". this week is about to slay.
  8. the closer we get to release day, the less i think i wanna listen to the album early if it leaks. like yes, this wait is tedious and annoying, but at the same time, i know if i listen to the leak, i won't have anything to look forward to on release day... but who knows if it'll even leak in full at this point.
  9. you're right. i always hate that feeling after i listen to the album cuz then i'm just like "now what?". as fun as it is to make jokes about the album leaking, i don't really mind the wait for her alleged magnum opus. me oversharing:
  10. best-tea.. i feel like if you wouldn't have said anything to them, they wouldn't have realized the album was delayed. we were so close!
  11. matter of fact, if anyone lives near a Rough Trade... you should go check today for funsies.
  12. yeah this setlist almost makes me wanna sell my tickets. i'm hoping she changes her mind like she does with other things. like barely any songs from sin miedo, isolation, and por vida??!! not even telepatia??? i understand she has a lot of songs to pick from but 10% and sad girlz should not be on there when she has better songs than 2 collabs.... make it make sense. still love her tho!!!
  13. can we really call them leakers if they don't leak anything?? this "leak" era is so lame. fuck the snippets!!
  14. if every single lanaboards user goes to their local record store on march 10th, im confident one of us will find someone with the album on shelves prematurely. let's do this girlies!
  15. alright... it's that part of pre-release where i'm going absolutely feral waiting for this damn album... 19 more days is going to kill me!!!!
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