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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. yay 3000! thanks to the girls fighting about LFA for the past 100 pages, we wouldn’t of made it here without YOU!
  2. whatever’s AWWWWWN tonight, i just wanna party w you.... topanga’s HAWWWWT tonight-
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/B080tuJB90G/?igshid=1t4gqr1p2x7b1 good!! she’s donating the earnings!
  4. i wanted to call you but I didn't say a thing.... OHHHHHHHHHHH, i'll pick you up-
  5. i love waking up in the morning and skipping through 1000 story-length rants about what lana has done wrong. really makes my day.
  6. absolutely gonna be one of my faves off of NFR
  7. lana’s brother is also at the same video shoot that chuck is at sooo it could still be her music video and not some rapper?
  8. looks like a video is being recorded according to chuck’s story.. so we are (maybe, possibly, hopefully) getting another music video
  9. awww this is so cute! melts my heart. lanaboards can really feel like family sometimes. <3
  10. wow it’s a good day to stan lana del fucking rey (:
  11. i wonder if she’s gonna use the song to donate too like you said!
  12. i cant believe we got 2 songs today (tmrw in my country) that aren’t on the album.. y’all can turn in your stan cards, i’m still stanning FOREVER.
  13. GUYS ITS REAL I- https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/1159516359484682240?s=21
  14. https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/1159515046726242304?s=21 ITS REAL??? I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE? i mean... the cover art... is... a choice.
  15. i love the cover!! so meaningful. so deep. but what really is beautiful is the typography. her mind. powerful.
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