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Everything posted by honeycookie

  1. glad to have you on board and here: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?&app=forums&module=extras&section=legends#
  2. can we stop believing these random ass “insiders” that come out of nowhere with something ~groundbreaking~ when they never proven their validity with any previous info whatsoever.... i get that the drought makes people hallucinate but let’s not lose all cognitive function also i’m definitely also talking about certain members on here that do the same bs. like @@Fantasy or whatever the hell. log off.
  3. omg i was listening to orville peck and the new mac demarco album and i just realized i would LOVE for lana to do like a 60s cowboy record.... the visuals i loved her little equestrian moment for V Magazine before LFL and i need something like betty draper season 2 but with more glittering campiness... like desert hearts 1985 casino vibes but more technicolor anyway i know any effort into some sort of curated aesthetic is impossible now but it’s nice to dream
  4. a sense of satisfaction i guess? perfornative masturbation. i’d say lock the thread again but this is genuinely so funny
  5. but who’s the one logging into a public forum just to get genuinely upset
  6. these posts coming one right after another are pure art
  7. was the whole get free lawsuit fake.... i mean radiohead denied ever even pushing a lawsuit and we never saw any real court documents so i literally believe it was just lana and her management trying to save its own ass before people caught on the similarities without them saying anything
  8. every time i do this it hurts so good/bad (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) so i try not to... it’s pure masochism at this point
  9. i have scrapphobia too but it’s not because i hate the album, i’m just deadass scared that she did. i want cinnamon and in your car and whatever mystery track she hasn’t teased yet because those are usually the best hidden gems
  10. they’re up on mine wasn’t nfr completed/done before she dated chase though? i guess unless it’s been reworked, which, even then i doubt it’d change much.
  11. barrie def isn’t as conventionally hot (he’s a short pale emo lil scottie) but something about chase is so ugly to me. i think it’s the nose + tiny lips? he looks like squidward or a hollywood farquad idk jfgsjdhdj but yes francesco. i know everyone on here hates him but he’s the hottest one she dated (other than that buff chiseled guitarist, forgot his name) and their pics together are SOOOO hot. every time i look at them i die.
  12. she has an ombré looking moment going on with that hair so i guess she didn’t actually fully keep the auburn? her look is giving me honeymoon vibes though (esp the red cat eye glasses).... absolutely gorjus luv xx as for chase i still think he’s ugly but at least he’s not as ugly as moby
  13. the bald guy represents moby and the girls turning away from him but still within reach are lizzy grant
  14. girl what don’t think she would title them or keep repeating “so excited for you guys to hear this one” if it was
  15. i just remembered lana said hope took 3 years but also jack said it was like the first thing they did and it was recorded in one take https://mobile.twitter.com/jackantonoff/status/1083508601409454080 explains the production
  16. that would require acknowledging the fact that NFR ever existed.
  17. ahem, fo·rum /ˈfôrəm/ noun 1. a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. sorry if i’m not gonna sit here and bootlick lana all day in hopes of being invited to join her insta baddie cult, but go off! man’s ability to engage in free will i guess!
  18. i hope you’re right, but her behavior surrounding it + releasing her art unenthusiastically a year later when she doesn’t even relate to it anymore doesn’t make me too hopeful. but maybe by september (christ that’s far away) you can smack me and say “told ya so!” until then though i’m allowed to be pessimistic about it.
  19. delusion in all seriousness i’m wondering if NFR is even coming anymore or whatever is next is gonna just be random singles she feels like putting out. “the album is done but who knows when it’s coming out”
  20. mine wasn’t deleted right away, more like after an hour or two after it was seen. so it’s not a “glitch”. also i find it sus that literally every one of the comments i CAN see are all “heart eyes emoji” “omggg i love you” “you snapped” etc. when the top comments on her previous posts were “so where’s the album”. idk i’m annoyed and it’s even more annoying that this is so deliberate but y’all are still giving her the benefit of the doubt lmao literally what reason would several people on here have to lie.... jfc
  21. welp, lana deleted my comment just like i predicted earlier. it’s over! time 2 unfollow and i guess know that whatever i’m stanning from this point on is a ghost this was my comment btw, i wasn’t even being disrespectful which i guess annoys me the most because now i wish i was. i’m also gonna take this as a sign that NFR’s scrapped.
  22. re-enabled my finsta just to comment. if she does end up deleting mine i’m seriously unstanning and DLing all her albums into my phone so i don’t give her streams. i’m already close to doing that anyway!
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