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Everything posted by honeycookie

  1. ok i can agree with that. the first of the album feels like it doesn’t even belong with the second half. i wasn’t trying to attack you i was just being shady luv a fellow zelda fan
  2. it’s produced by andrew watt... jack’s boring ass could never!
  3. i.... i was expecting the return of interesting vocal manipulation lolita lana but all i got was a flat tone and a weird vocal filter with no variation till the bridge
  4. maybe you snapped glad i’m not the only one on here feeling like jack is boring white mayo with hipster glasses on
  5. i was going through the album with a friend because we were arguing on whether it was a good album or not and i realized i only like 8 out of the 16 songs.... which is half the album idk it would’ve been improved immensely for me if she just threw away all the collabs other than sb/groupie love (those should have been singles) and never even have thought of coachella. and maybe just have white mustang as a leaked unreleased track but i’m just nitpicking now. it’s really collabs/coachella that need to go
  6. assuming cinnamon hasn’t already been scrapped because she’s sick of hearing about it in every reply to her on social media
  7. to be fair she shouldn’t care what crusty stinky older beerbelly white men think about her because they aren’t/will never be her fan base. if they’re still saying things like this when she’s been looking so underwhelming compared to her old looks, they would say it even with a paper bag over her head. why? they hate women
  8. imagine someone vaping while working out i
  9. can she just drop the f*cking album and drop off the face of the earth...... im sick of her
  10. well let’s see... the weird vocal filter is trash, the production doesn’t fit (pseudo-trap??) and the lyrics sound like she made them up in 20 mins, don’t even seem to go with the song. like the pronunciation of “to ask HIm one queee-stion” is so.....
  11. maybe halsey got hold of this info before we all did and thought collabing with them would finally impress her
  12. i literally forgot about joe schilling. wasn’t she also dating that tall white acting coach or whatever for a baseball team before? anyway, i’m so bored seeing her date all these D-list celebrities. at this point i’d rather she start dating an actual mafioso or something, but we all know she’ll just go after another mediocre white man
  13. can you imagine Hope with a cinematic Honeymoon albumesque strings production... HIADTFAWLMTHAHSHBSJS was robbed
  14. i’m literally gonna vomit. her taste in men........
  15. i wonder how chuck feels about lana going to hillsong and the bev hills hotel
  16. sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense. edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.
  17. imagine being so upset about what’s being posted on a public forum about someone famous who doesn’t give a shit or know anything about anyone on here edit: anyway yes there’s no news on nfr. and there prob won’t be till doin time comes out. even then it 99% won’t be about the album or its release. so plz lock this thread again if it’s an issue.
  18. this makes me wonder why there aren’t any big conspiracies on lana dying and another lana taking over... people have done it with paul mccartney and avril lavigne and even vladimir putin but this one would be the most convincing anyone know how long her contract is? maybe it’s ending soon and she’s fresh out of fucks forever
  19. can i tattoo that last paragraph on my forehead bc i literally felt so bamboozled and resentful but it’s just because for once i thought there was someone i could really relate to in the mainstream that wasn’t a rich, drug-addled rapper... but then looking at her trailer park lizzy days and the content she created for her homemade videos makes me confused again because was all that just an act too??? she really faked that creativity and nihilism? part of me just refuses to believe it.
  20. umm... sorry but her using the same pronouns in a cover (which she also did with other covers like blue velvet) isn’t her being “more queer”, especially when she’s never sang or wrote about her interest in other women in her hundreds of songs, nor have any collaborators done in their songs. (straight men love doing that, like abel talking about bella in lost in the fire.) i know we all wanna be hopeful or whatever that she’s more relatable to us but lana loves straight men and wouldn’t be caught dead in hillsong nor any other sus ass church if she was anywhere near gay. otherwise wtf does “queer” even mean anymore if not explicitly being attracted to at least the same gender along with others? we all know lana’s tired ass brand of white feminism as shown by her lack of ever speaking up on social issues or making a public statement on coming out day and thinking feminism is “boring” till trump was elected and it was now popular to care. not saying i need her to making statements on social issues, i’d rather her not bc half the time she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or is just spewing things everyone else has said a million times before, but to say she’s anywhere at all near being “queer” is a reach. anyway inb4 interscope sees the money grab in this and has her add some random ambiguous song with queer baiting into nfr a la ariana grande. jk they don’t give a shit about her career anymore! edit: also this skirtsandsuits girl is pissing me off with how she’s just deleted the comments on that beverly hills post to keep her ugly over saturated “”””aesthetic”””” rather than take it down or apologize and say she didn’t know. it speaks volumes... i’m sure she’s also the type of girl to also want “a gay best friend to go shopping with zomg!!!!1”
  21. why do y’all think people turn into a bag of bones as soon as they hit 30.... a LOT of female singers are glamorous and innovative and using the age thing as an excuse is annoying. just say she’s lazy because of her personality. she was already pretty “old” for a breakout star in the first place.
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