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Everything posted by honeycookie

  1. how am i supposed to get to 200 posts to change my tag line when all i can respond to is people blindly defending lana and anti-gay churches that directly lead to people getting killed on the basis of “well that’s their opinion, ignore it if it bothers you! ” are we really supposed to sit here and act like these things don’t have real life consequences i’m tired and i’m confused as to why this is even a debate on a fansite with a majority of gay members are y’all just ok with internalizing all this systemic homophobia
  2. to be fair.... i don’t think she’s gonna be impacted by people voting on online polls
  3. i screamed. i need to get this tattooed or something.
  4. y’all really think miss lana del rey would do three different magazines..... girl do you even know who you’re stanning
  5. how are y’all mad about this cover i this is giving me some pat mcgrath decadence realness!! the only thing that bothers me is how skewed the photo is... couldn’t the editor rotate that bitch before deciding to put the weird text on it yes!!!!!!! the shoes are so buffalo 66 christina ricci i
  6. ok she looks GOOD as predicted w steven klein and i need an HQ stat but i’m scared of the return of the poetry like what does this mean
  7. remember how everyone was SO sure lana was going to the met gala and then she didn’t... i’m feeling a lot of that same energy right now god i just want NFR so badly i want it this month i want it NOW I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! .........
  8. ok but who’s the papi next to her he’s 500000000x hotter than chase... i love him
  9. this is the baddie i always wanted
  10. um... anyone consider he lurks these boards? considering that jealousy tweet and one of his tweets talking about people hating on her for going to church... :-/ he’s really sick and needs psychological help before he acts on his delusions.
  11. HAPPINESS IS A PUPA IM SCREAMING can we just collectively call it that now since it ain’t coming out anytime soon
  12. these photos...... everyone already said what needs to be said about these...... choices
  13. it’s not letting me embed video so all i have to say is that this post is legendary
  14. i tried listening to it a couple of other times because my roommate kept bothering me to do so, but i would get so bored and unenthused i would just never finish it and play something else instead and yeah it definitely doesn’t help that she reused those HIAB clips... a music video keeps me engaged!
  15. i think the first and last time i listened to VB was when it came out............
  16. the same reverb that gave UV the iconic sound that all of you drool over every day? sure exactly. people wanna act like VB is the first song over 6 minutes as if progressive rock never happened if VB sounded ANYWHERE near as good as a song like siberian breaks (which is 12 minutes) i literally would not complain. but it’s not good enough imo to even be over 5.
  17. he’s so sweet sexy and talented...... i’m so excited to see him live!!!!!
  18. gonna go ahead and repost this because now is as great a time as ever!
  19. i liked his post and then this one gave me a flash of PTSD that tangled my stomach and made me click unlike so fast. thank u queen for checking me
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