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Everything posted by GangstaBoy

  1. Perhaps Jim is an amalgamation of different guys she's been with... don't forget she's telling a story and though the album is autobiographical as she claims it's impossible to know how faithful she's being in terms of names/places/relationships.
  2. I keep hearing Adam and Eve in one video and Marilyn in the other wtf
  3. Is it me or she's just overusing the word 'baby'? And don't tell me she always has cause now it's different. She used it to accompany other much clever lyrics, but now she seems to use it as a main thing and it's bothering me a little like My baby lives in shades of blue... I can see my baby swinging... I'm a Brooklyn baby, I'm a Brooklyn baby... baby. BABY. baby. BABY. btw STOP calling Brookyn Baby 'BB', THAT'S BLACK BEAUTY, ok? We should call it BBY as someone suggested.
  4. Why on Earth didn't they use these wonderful clips for the WC video? I mean, they're so much better than the ones used in the actual video. I'm starting to think they plan to reuse them for future videos, so all UV music videos will have a similar theme/aesthetic...
  5. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Shades of Cool vs. Kill Kill
  6. If SoC doesn't sound like jazz then I don't know what does...
  7. I like Ultraviolence but I don't love it, it's pretty much like her usual stuff. From the three songs we've heard so far SoC is definitely my favourite...
  8. The fact that her unreleased material leaked doesn't mean she can't reuse lyrics/melodies/whatsoever or rerecord it. I know Ultraviolence features lyrics from older songs, but we shouldn't complain since we weren't meant to hear them in the first place... btw, I love the Video Games reference: Heaven is on earth I would do anything for you, babe
  9. I thought Lana herself stated that UV has nothing to do with 'A Clockwork Orange', also the three songs we have so far made zero reference to the book/movie... Sorry I didn't notice it was a joke lel
  10. Well, I don't play the CDs that much so I don't really care tbh
  11. I don't think she says 'sueños' or anything spanish for that matter... sounds like '(...) silver lines' or something, but it's definitely not spanish
  12. People complaining about Lana's vocals being 'nasal' lol you don't even know what you're saying... let along what a nasal voice really sounds like tbh
  13. Finally, I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed this
  14. Lyrics remind me of both Million Dollar Man and Hollywood's Dead, I love it
  15. I love there's so much talented people involved, this album is going to be awesome
  16. Well, I didn't know that! As I said, I thought SOC was coming tomorrow, excuse me for being so ignorant on the matter
  17. I know this is the official version, yes. But the source is not so the quality might not be the best, that's all I was saying.
  18. I meant to say that it wasn't an official release since it was supposed to come out tomorrow, right?
  19. And everyone was saying it was West Coast's radio mix YAAAAAAS ANOTHER SONG
  20. How can you guys talk about the production being bad when this is a leak? the quality is not good so it's impossible to say... Wait and hear the official one
  21. Is that... a bird chirping in the end?
  22. Money is the anthem of success Sorry I couldn't help myself
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