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Everything posted by GangstaBoy

  1. She'll probably perform West Coast on tour and release it after the first or second show. At least that's what I'm expecting since we didn't get anything tonight...
  2. Oh I won't give up then! It's 12.18 am here in Buenos Aires and I was a bit worried (even though I know it might not be released today)
  3. What time is it in LA (or wherever she is)? Are there still chances she releases West Coast today? I don't want her to do it while I'm sleeping
  4. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Kill Kill vs. Live or Die
  5. As a matter of fact, I am starting to believe you DO want to jinx everything
  6. So it was real after all?! Please stop playing with me you're gonna kill me
  7. Yes. Do you own a teapot?
  8. YES YES YES YES FINALLY I'M ALIVE AGAIN Hope this is real!!!
  9. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs. Never Let Me Go
  10. Guys calm down we don't even know what trans-am is lol Just image a few months from now, Lana'll finally release the whole thing we'll be looking back at all this and say: Oh, that's what it said/mean/was... So thrilling EDIT: I can make out Tropico on the left, next to 'I love'
  11. No. Do you own a lava lamp?
  12. Violet Princess sounds so stupid to me... I hope it's not a real song
  13. GangstaBoy

    Live or Die

    God, I used to think this was a stupid light-pop song and now I can't get the melody out of my head lol I love the EHs!!! she threw randomly in the chorus, they're so catchy
  14. Well, what I meant to say in the first place was that even though this seems "happy" it might turn into something like the SS video... There were some happy moments there (Lana and Jaime spinning with the camera/ them walking and joking together, etc) but the feeling of the video was overall melancholic.
  15. We've barely seen some behind the scenes photos, perhaps she'll commit suicide ala Virginia Woolf in the video, who knows... Do you really believe the whole album will be "dark and unlistenable"? I mean, BB is pretty much confirmed to be in it and it's such a beautiful sad song... but definitely not unlistenable
  16. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Fake Diamond vs. Hollywood
  17. Thank you so much!!! I love watching behind the scenes... I've always wondered how on Earth did they make the crocodiles, now I know
  18. Wasn't Kill Kill about her alcohol problem? I'd love to hear it reworked, it's one of my favourite non-Lana del Rey era songs! Is all this true? With BB AND Kill Kill in the album I think I'm gonna die
  19. Do you guys think she'll release West Coast before her shows or after?
  20. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Serial Killer vs. I Don't Wanna Go
  21. Sun, and Ocean blue... What if this is the video for BB? I love that drowning pic, looks like she's having fun haha
  23. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Blue Velvet vs. Off to the Races
  24. This West Coast thing sounds so intriguing... specially for me as I live in another country and don't have a clue about it
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