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Everything posted by GangstaBoy

  1. OUAD is already posted, so it's probably the remix or...
  2. Mine was pretty accurate too! It also helped me realise that MDM, SS & BB are my three top favourite Lana songs
  3. They say I'm wasting time, they said that I'm no good Summer of my life, not doing what I should... - LDR, Driving in Cars
  4. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood vs. Body Electric
  5. I don't know if this has been brought up here, but the way people treat Rob and Chuck makes me sick. I personally adore Lana, and I get she has a really strong relationship with her family but why would I praise them? They're friendly with fans, cool, but idk why people get crazy about them... all that flattering rings so fake to me. Obviously they stalk Rob in order to get some info about Lana, it's so creepy... For example there's this facebook fan page here in Argentina and when she toured here the staff was like "We talked to Rob today... Rob sent us kisses" But I wanted Lana to send us kisses, not her father lol
  6. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood's Dead vs. Burning Desire
  7. I ADORE both Kill Bill (vol I & II) and Inglourious Basterds... haven't seen Pulp Fiction yet (I know, shame on me)
  8. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Never Let Me Go vs. Diet Mtn Dew
  9. Well, I once heard (or read, idk) in an interview that Carmen was really something special to Lana and that it was inspired both in Marilyn and herself...
  10. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Kill Kill vs. Lolita
  11. "Serial Killer" Fake Bar Fight The Avenue Can't Stop (What I Love to Do) One by One Sociopath A Little Too Much Cherry Coke Thrill of the Rush Black Fire Luring You Ingenue Game Boy "Velvet Crowbar EP" Addicted to You Velvet Crowbar Crack Purple Dream On the Road Nothing Left ft. Barrie-James O'Neill Last Life
  12. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Once Upon A Dream vs. Blue Velvet
  13. A song like 'Violet Princess' would definitely fit that intepretation... It will be darker for sure, I only hope BB is included, it's an amazing song I want her to go full rock ala Velvet Crowbar too
  14. I first met her when Born to Die appeared on Vevo, I'm not sure when that was... I didn't like her at first but I when I heard SS a while later I fell in love. I've been a fan since July 2012 I guess
  15. GangstaBoy

    Song vs. Song

    Kinda Outta Luck vs. Pawn Shop Blues
  16. 122. She used to party up all night, looking for a taste of real life
  17. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Serial Killer Will you ever get to heaven?: Born to Die Song you dance to at your wedding: American This song contains the name of your first-born: Summer Wine (either Cherry or Angel) Song played at your funeral: Ride #epic What do you want right now?: Off to the races Song that describes your sex life: Cola LOL How will you die?: Without You Your life motto: Burning Desire (I drive fast) What do you look for in a girl/guy?: National Anthem Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Break my Fall What people think of you: Million Dollar Man Where will you live?: Angels Forever What is your vice?: Lucky Ones What is the most important thing in your life? Young & Beautiful Who do you look up to?: Radio
  18. When I opened the link and read "Lana has announced..." my heart stopped beating Then I read it all
  19. Well, even though it's a 'new era', I suspect she'll sing about love, death, paradise and her usual themes, because that's who she is, and that's what hooked all of us... I'm not expecting really big changes actually, BTD will always be there cause it´s her essence
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