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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. I really hope she (and the team) write more elaborate choruses for this album. I prefer more complex chorus like BTD.

    Btd (the song) is one of her best choruses. If we got more like that that would be awesome. Maybe also complex choruses like SOC, Brooklyn Baby, West Coast, Cruel World, ITH and Flipside. Like really simple choruses can be effective every now and then, but if she ever released an album with predominantly basic choruses I'd be really annoyed because we all know when she tries to she can write outstanding music with beautiful elaborate choruses. Just look at Paradise, UV and AKA.




    Jeez I'm petty :omfg:



  2. I recommend her sophomore record Post for you.

    Back to what we were doing, Post is actuallyyyyyy my least fave Bjork album! Hyperballad and IOSQ are great but the rest I'm like...Bjork sis who told you this was singing. She gets much better after this


  3. Umm... I'm trying to get into bjork but I'm not really sure where to look. I really like "Venus as A Boy" but when I tried listening to debut the first song just put me off completely. If I like Venus As A Boy is the rest of that album worth buying? If not could you name any other records by her that would fit more what I'm looking for?

  4. Something tells me that this album ain't happening. I also wonder why Mark Ronson didn't want to say a thing about it. Auerbach was way more open about being the producer for an album

    She's already said that 4 or so songs are "perfect" and she has at least ten in the works. Yeah I'm not really sure Ronson's gonna happen, but I mean there's usually an agonising period of silence when Lana's just announced a new project. I'm fairly confident we'll have something by the end of the year.

  5. Oh my god he's banned why do you guys drag this shit out??????? Fucking Mariah mentions are this close to getting spam warning points

    .... Mariah Carey :oop2:




    Lol but anyway on the topic of Lana's reliability when it comes to describing her upcoming records, to me Honeymoon sounds like kind of an "organic" record (i.e no synthesisers or electronic production) With Ultraviolence I almost thought Lana was trying to disguise the project as some forgotten Jazz fusion masterpiece from the 60s. Her name wasn't on the front cover, the cover was in black and white with her in front of an old looking car, and there's some kind of filter put over her voice (most identifiable in TOW) that makes the record sound decades old. So maybe this is something we'll see explored further with Honeymoon. BTD was kind of a mix of the baroque pop of the 70s fuzed with hip hop. Perhaps she'll abandon the modern side of that record at all and deliver a Jazz/Baroque classic straight out of the golden age of Jazz with a tinge of orchestral grunge. Also, perhaps this record will mark a change in attitude for Lana? Not towards some cliche over the top love song (a record full of lucky ones? I'd seriously rather jam a spear up my urethra) but, keeping the grunge element in mind, perhaps Lana will sharpen her claws to trash every aspect of fame that pisses her off. Honeymoon could be Lana's opportunity to vent out all the frustration that's built up inside her over the past four years dealing with fame and becoming a pariah. ugh, all this with red one's production would just slay the charts to high heaven :troll:



  6. Producers: Can't tell if Ronson is still happening, but I'd really love that. I know she's friends with Kanye West, am I the only one that thinks that would be great? Maybe not for this particular project but something in the future. I hadn't even thought of David Lynch but just 1000x yes.


    Genre: Straight up 20's blues/jazz would totally work for me. Part of me just wants Lana to get darker and darker with each record until her very last record causes a rise in suicide rates across the globe :lel:

    Orchestral grunge/ surf noir maybe?


    Lyrical content: I love all the interconnecting characters in Lana's music. Lana could just focus a whole record around a few characters and have each song as a piece to the story of the whole record, maybe sing all songs in third person, kind of like she's crooning a melodic folk tale.


    Artwork: I have the coolest idea. Maybe Lana could make the whole album a visual album a la Beyoncé then have a looping gif for the front cover. Perhaps Lana spinning alone on a beach at midnight in a perfect loop? Yeah, pretty far fetched but it would be too iconic for words.

  7. I saw a picture of February's Vogue with Lana as the cover on tumblr, and it said that it would have information about Honeymoon. I just remembered about that, and checked the official site only to find out it was fake.


    I am heartbroken. :icant: :crai: :rollin:


    How long is it going to take to get actual infromation? How did it go with Ultraviolence?

    Well only a month after announcing it she said she was finished and gave a few details and descriptions on her twitter. February came and and she gave a (false) release date then I think late March/early April she announced West Coast, that came out on the 13th (but here in the UK we didn't get the song on itunes till May 18th) then we got 3 or 4 more singles all around May, she confirmed a June release on a Radio interview, we got snippets early June then on the 13th it was out. Then of course we got that brilliant Shades Of Cool video, the not so great UV video and let's not even discuss the West Coast mess....


    I only watched it once... once was enough :toofunny:


    All in all it was a pretty great era, all things considered :agree:

  8. 1. I did say that I like BTD


    2. Of course I meant panned critically... where have you been?


    3. Trust me, Lana cares A LOT more about what professional critics have to say than some petulant online bi polar hipster mariah stan with the manners and online etiquette of a spam bot (like really did Mariah Carey create you for the purpose of promoting her music? You're like an annoying little pop-up add that won't piss off)


    4. Lana owes you NOTHING. You cannot order a musician to sit in their personal little corner and never try to explore other opportunities.


    I think you need a break from the internet for awhile.

  9. I don't understand Lana sometimes, if u love UV so much show some enthusiasm.


    Shoot more videos and promote it.


    She doesn't even give a fuck.


    Also, it bothers me and I am sure a lot of fans as well that she keeps this " I don't do hip hop anymore" bull shit.


    Bitch you literally hate what put you on the map. She'll lose all her fans if she keeps this up tho. But I guess whatever for art.

    Video Games put Lana on the map. Video Games is a four minute love ballad with orchestral production and no drums or any kind of beat. Not only did it put her on the map, she was catapulted into stardom and acclaim in less than a few weeks after it's release. BTD, an album full of hip hop beats (besides VG) was panned almost universally across America and over the course of it's release she became one of the most controversial and widely criticised singers of the year. (I'm not saying I don't like BTD, it's great, but yeah based on her experiences in that kind of music, and the fact she genuinely stated she was dissatisfied with it, I'm fairly sure we're not hearing anymore loon for a loooong while)


    Also, need I remind you that her exact description of Honeymoon was "Similar to btd AND Paradise"?

    The only similarity between Btd and Paradise was the orchestral production. No overly loud beats or samples on Ride, Cola, Blue Velvet, Yayo.

    Uv was Lana's way of proving her own artistic merit by releasing an album with little commercial appeal and promo. Maybe we'll get a few hits this era, maybe Beyoncé and Jay-Z are getting separated. It's of little concern to me if the music's still good.


    If you want beats, go listen to A$AP Rocky, if you want R&B, go listen to Malignant Cuntwart (the elusive STD) let Lana write whatever she feels inspired to write, she's not the only outlet of music you know?

  10. Lana doesn't ususlly feature collaborations with other artists she respects on her own albums. I think she wants them to feel as personal to her as possible.


    I could see Courtney playing guitar on a track or something, but not much more.

    Wasn't Lou Reed meant to feature on Brooklyn Baby? I just feel like Lana's more specific about collaborating with artists (this is her show) but if she finds the right moment and the right artist then I'm sure she'd go for it.

  11. From interviews I've read, it seems like a lot of BTD was based on experiences she had as a teenager in New York.


    And Lolita is the most repulsive books I've ever read in my life. Graphic, eroticized scenes of pedophilia. You're not missing out on anything.


    I don't think anything about OTTR is like Lolita. There's an older man in OTTR but the woman in the song clearly loves him. Lolita was a little girl who was repeatedly molested and raped.



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