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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. Do you guys really think there'll be a title track? Honeymoon to me just sounds like a setting for the mood of the album. Then again I thought the same thing when Lana announced UV :whatever:


    I like the title tracks from BTD and UV but to me having a title track in each album just seems a bit boring. It just takes away the mystique of the title, at first you wonder why the record is called Honeymoon, is there some kind of running story regarding a relationship? Maybe the whole album will be Lana envisioning the marriage she and Barrie never had? But if there's just a song on the record called Honeymoon, then you almost feel like that's the only reason behind the record's title. It's like with Paradise, since there's no song on the record called paradise, the title feels more like a summary of the album in general (and that record is simply sublime so it's a fitting name)


    I'm still not half sure what I'm saying but that's always how I've felt about title tracks, in case anyone cares. :lel:

  2. Why can't we have both? It's a legit part of being a fan of an artist. Why is it so hard to talk about popularity when this place even discussed incest?

    Ok you're really gonna have to explain that later but I totally agree! Discussing Lana's success is an integril part of fandom, it's not like anytime someone tries to bring up UV's sales in Europe we should just shun them or lash out but I mean I don't see why it's becoming such a big point of disscusion yet, the album hasn't even come out. It's fine to have a balanced dusscussion on Lana's popularity but when a certain member continuously brings it up in such an obnoxious fashion it gets REALLY aggravating.

  3. @@Creyk Absolutely right. The music is the core soul of this entire vision, and the imagery that is created from the music is the structure. Mind (the amazing quality of music Lana puts out) over matter (all this bittersweet but necessary talk about Lana's position.) I really feel like us Lana fans needed to bring up the stanning situations, but it just doesn't seem fair to pit Lana up against those divas when she is obviously even more unique and refreshing. I need to make a post y'all about how fed up I got with little monsters on twitter and all only caring about sales and promo.Please everybody try not to blow Lana's lack of promo (she's still going to shine in the limelight) up to ARTPOP proportions---you will only become more disappointed. And also more distraught for almost no reason whatsoever. Lana knows her creations best and despite how much I want her to succeed in the midst of the pop culture "wars", can't we be certain that Lana's legacy will endure far longer than the hype of now? Cherish more than just the charts people. After all, the most inspiring people in Lana's life didn't slay 24/7 and stay up on the charts---they all needed artistic reevaluations to consistently give us fans the best art and the best music and the most sublime creations possible.

    You are about to get a storm of likes :mariah:

  4. For me, the hooks weren't as good lyrically, they were repetitive. I see what you are saying about the verses though. I just preferred the overall sound of BTD and the Paradise Edition over the sound of UV, and would welcome Lana to go back to that sound with Honeymoon.

    Well In my opinion Lana has improved lyrically since BTD. With Uv she managed to dial it down with the repetitive nature of the lyrical content (as an album, I'll admit that she does seem to be taking more to simple choruses, but the themes of the songs are more unique and I enjoy the melodies as much as ever)


    To be honest, I doubt Honeymoon will be a true return to the BTD sound so many of you are longing for. I guess she probably won't make another album like UV for awhile, it must of been quite exhausting releasing all that angst so I imagine this next record will be more mellow in style, but who would want Lana to do something she's done before? Part of what makes her music so diverse is that she doesn't try to recreate the sound of her last albums, she goes whichever direction she feels on a whim.

  5. Can you elaborate?

    "But you are unfixable

    I can't break through your walls

    'Cause you live in Shades Of Cool

    Your heart is unbreakable"


    "Well my boyfriend's in a band

    He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed

    I got Feathers In My Hair

    I get down to Beat poetry

    And my jazz collection's rad

    I can play most anything


    I'm a Brooklyn baby

    I'm a Brooklyn baby"


    "I can see my sweet boy swaying

    He's crazy y Cubano como yo my love

    On the balcony and I'm saying

    Move baby move baby

    I'm in love"


    Oh yeah, and Cruel World


    "Get my little red party dress on

    Everybody knows that I'm a mess I'm crazy

    Get a little bit of Bourbon in ya'

    Get a little bit suburban then go crazy

    'Cause you're young, you're wild, you're free

    You're dancing circles around me

    You're fucking crazy

    You're crazy for me"


    And say what you want about Black Beauty, Is This Happiness, Old Money, Ultraviolence, Pretty When You Cry etc. but on the whole they're some of Lana's best lyrical work. I'm actually on your side about repetitive choruses, they bug me too, but saying that UV is lyrically reductive is just plain untrue ESPECIALLY in comparison to some songs from BTD.

  6. To be fair MIAM has stated MANY times that on top of their displeasure with UV's chart performance (which, like most of us, I find silly but at the end if the day they just want Lana to get the success she deserves...there would be no harm in stating that opinion if MIAM wasn't so obnoxious about it) they're not the biggest fan of of UV as an album. I find it just as annoying as you guys but in truth we probably should listen to them every now and then, because when they're not babbling about the dissapointing visual imagery and music videos of this era (Shades Of Cool...'nuff said) they bring up good points. Lana DOES have a record label to satisfy, and if she can't provide the label with what they want then they will drop her in an instant (they clearly had their doubts when she was making UV, but UV's sales as a whole were definitely satisfying, so don't let MIAM get into your head, just because she hasn't had a big radio hit this era doesn't signal a "flop") but seriously if you could just tone it down with all that noise about "UV FLOPPED BTD FOREVA" and instead present reasons for your opinions to create a meaningful disscusion as oppossed to forcing your opinion down everyone's throats as though if they don't agree with you they're wrong people would have no reason to criticise you.


    Hopefully Honeymoon can be an era of peace and prosperity in the quaint little fandom of Lana Del Rey. UV is probably my favourite album of all time but people ruined that era with their fights and childishness, I know it's a lot to ask but could we all just be a little more aware and more respectful of each others' opinions? No one wants to be told they're wrong for liking or disliking music, and we should all be more aware of that...but still if all you want to do is complain it would be easier on everyone if you would just leave. Rant over :lel: :kiss:

  7. "Music To Watch Boys To" is actually a song that has already been out there online since 2013. It was called "Driving In Cars With Boys". "Music To Watch Boys To" is the same song but it is a faster version. I prefer the "Driving In Cars With Boys" version. If it's going to be on the new album then great because I always thought it was a terrific song.

    Haha nice try TROLL she has no song called "Driving In Cars With Boys" on any of her albums idiot! What are you trying to say that she has like hundreds of unreleased songs online that haven't been placed on any of her albums? If that were true then how come no one here has heard about it? :godlaugh:

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