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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. YASSSS LANA :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:


    What if the account is ran by her/Interscope/Polydor and they use it to promote the album

    Well that's what I was thinking. But...from a practical level it doesn't make a whole lotta sense. Her Instagram account has 2.3 million followers doesn't it? Why is she going to the hassle of making a second account to promote Honeymoon when her actual account is followed my millions of people?

    Anywho, I'm really sensing a boost in confidence this era. She's been more communicative and active online, she's making ties with a lot of big names in the industry, and if this Honeymoon account was really made by her, dedicated to one fucking record then it's gotta be pretty special. Unless of course she starts overblowing each album as her music makes a nosedive in quality like a certain blonde haired "surrealist" mole wearing overblown Europop singer/ Madonna impersonator :oop2:

    Honeymoon coming in two weeks!!!!


  2. well, "a fan" is never a relliable source, but since we have almost nothing to talk about, let's get a bit excited, right? :D

    I think they meant LDR online who, more often than not, has been a credible source for this kinda stuff. Regardless, they do make it clear in the tweet that this is unconfirmed. She said she'd finished UV by Jan last year and we didn't get so much as a lead single for another three months.

  3. Ever get those moments where you just stop and think

    "Hmm... I wonder what Lana's up to right now"?


    Seeing how she's had a quiet year so far, I'd say she's spent the past month or so writing the last few songs for Honeymoon. She said herself some songs already sound "perfect" so she must have some idea of what she's gonna put out for promo. My guess is she's waiting for her tour to come closer because after all that would be a more appropriate time to start promo for the album. In that circumstance she'll probably start giving details about the album around April and the first single will come out May/June Which would make a July/August release very possible. Unless of course she goes through a crisis and reworks the whole thing with some stranger from a stripclub.

  4. When I was sixteen I was one of those guys that was close friends with a lot of girls, so I used to call them "bitch" or "slut" jokingly, but that was only really because that was how those girls addressed each other within that circle, and don't worry I made sure they took no issue with my use of the word also they were all total bitches anyway so how else would I address them?


    I have straight male friends that call me a fag, and I honestly get more annoyed by people that constantly come to my aid whenever someone takes issue with my sexuality. I don't know, Azealia's definetly right, in this case, about that double standard. But I use the word bitch all the time with my friends, no one's ever taken offense. I guess it's just a lot different for a black female rapper communicating with brain dead spoilt racists over twitter.


    Also, can anyone explain to me what that fucking cupcake joke means? I've seen it in a few threads before and I honestly don't get it.

  5. She gained weight for sure. But as long as she stays healthy there's nothing wrong with that. She looks great. I think it's really encouraging that she's so beautiful without being stick thin. What kind of image does it send out if we would rather see border line bulimic half witted twenty two year olds on our magazines than intelligent, healthy women who don't feel pressured to fit the public's demented perception of beauty? I wouldn't care if she gained 10 stone over the next few years anyway, she has enough talent to make up for a body the size of an elephant, her gorgeous face is just a cool bonus to her personality.

  6. Does anyone know why she keeps taking selfies in her car and out and about? It agitates me because usually she's only this active on instagram while working on a project or trying to promote her music. You guys think maybe she's getting ready for something soon? Especially considering that thing with the guy from MUSE. Or maybe Riverside will be out soon? (That's still fucking happening right?)

    That's the only explanation I can think of for all her new selfies.

    or maybe she only just realised how fucking hot she is and wants to flaunt her face whenever possible


    But seriously if nothing happens soon I'll probably stop visiting this site for awhile. I just can't handle the wait. (I know I'm being dramatic and it hasn't been long since UV but don't tell me you're not dying inside too honey)

  7. @@Hello Heaven I see what you mean, and I sorta see why you could think that, but I dunno I guess I just like each song quite a lot. But yeah now that I think about it UV is kinda uneven, I just think it's less so that BTD. But also with BTD the deluxe edition was boring and apart from Without You the songs weren't worth buying. Flipside, Black Beauty and ITH are essential Lana songs. UV as a record has 16 songs, and only 2 I'd call real duds and I think if you rearrange the tracks a little (as I did in my playlist) the whole record kinda balances out.


    *realises I've just spent ten minutes analysing UV on a BTD related thread*



  8. This.


    Don't get me wrong, I like her going in a more experimental direction, with UV and probably with Honeymoon too but BTD is iconic, I'm pretty confident that she'll never come out with an album that goes together as well as this masterpiece.

    Really? For me it's one of her worst albums :whatever:

    It's definetly not bad, the first six tracks are impeccable pop perfection and a template for how to make a sophisticated pop record, then there is the mess that is Dark Paradise (the demo is a great song, but the album version takes away the lyrical nuances and leaves you with trite phrases strung together like she drew them out of a hat, and the production is awful) then Radio, Carmen, MDM, SS, TIWMUG and Without You are all good, but don't really live up to the first half of the album (well actually SS is an album highlight but what I said still stands for the others) Lolita and Lucky Ones are embarrassing. Overall it just failed to live up to the hype that the singles caused. The only record I dislike more is Sirens, for similar reasons.


    Paradise is like an improved model of BTD, there is not a single filler track on that EP.


    AKA is heads and shoulders above BTD lyrically. Well, by that I mean it stays consistantly sophisticated instead of rehashing phrases to fill spaces. Off To The Races is undoubtedly her finest hour yet lyrically, but AKA is a more coherent and consistently listenable album.


    Uv is my favourite record by any artist, plain and simple. The melodies are haunting and gorgeous, the lyrics are smart and subtle, and the production is effective without distracting from Lana's vocal performance, which also improved.


    But none of this changes that BTD is indeed an iconic record. I just think Lana's already managed to top it like 3 times, and she'll probably do it again :agree2:

  9. Sad Girl is beautiful (in my opinion it's one of the worst songs on UV, but no less beautiful)


    I hope Lana abandons co-writers for the next record. People always use Justin Parker and Rick Nowel's credits as an excuse to say "she doesn't even write her own songs she's not a real artist"


    Imagine if her next record was her most lyrically beautiful yet, and those middle aged assholes didn't hog any credit on the booklet :byeh8rs:

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