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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. Already enough for me to say that the new smash single Violet Ardour will impact pop radio in April, followed by an electronic jazz remix by Cedric Gervais as the 2nd single (title still unknown). So YAAAS! After Lana has ditched Courtney Love for Austin Mahone at her tour, neither flower headed hairextensions nor toehairs will be safe. After a glorious SNL performance during the release week, the early sales predicitions will be at about 1.2 million copies batteling Britney Spears and Taylor Swift for the best selling opening sales by a female solo artisté.


    Dear forum homosexuals and emogirls, fasten your seatbelts.



    Meanwhile the 'alternative' fans be like:


    After Lana has released her 37 minute psychedelic grunge epic "I Actually didn't fuck my way up to the top (feat. Courtney Love)" accompanied by a music video of herself painting her toenails grey and slitting her wrists on the thorns of white roses (filmed on an iphone, ffs) the indie queen/reincarnation of Kurt Cobain will cancel her summer tour to find a reason to break up with latest boyfriend Francesco Carrozzini. Then on May 1st Lana will release her latest album HONEYMOON to critical acclaim and continue not to release singles for the next year before staging her own drive-by shooting, framing Lorde then returning from the dead one week later and suprise releasing her revolutionary future-jazz album "suicide note" (dedicated to the late Barrie James O'neill) before buying herself out of her contract with interscope to join Azealia Banks' newly formed independent label "F U IGGY RECORDS" and Lana shall be initiated into the league of icons by Beyoncé, wearing the skin of Stefani Germanotta as she bathes in Chanel No 5 and sacrifices a child to the spirits of Hollywood.


    Hey, at least she never has another top 40 single :oop:

  2. ... I'm confused. People seem to be talking like they've made some official announcement. Correct me if I'm wrong but all we have is a possible title, one description of the album, and an unconfirmed producer as well as an estimated release date in AUGUST??

    I mean I thought that wiki page was a little premature seeing how we hadn't had any official announcement, but in the past few pages people have been making statements I can't really see the logic behind. Could someone update me? Or is this fandom just jumping the gun as per usual?

  3. Which interview are you guys talking about? Would you mind directing me to this stuff? I had no idea she replied to any fans on youtube aside from that "It's coming you little bitch" thing.

    In this guardian interview she says she wishes she was dead, which caused a lot of people to condemn her for obsessing over death, so she responded on twitter with a series of tweets claiming that her statements were taken out of context to make headlines, and he had manipulated her with leading questions. Here it is: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2014/jun/12/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-album


    Here are her tweets:


    ^btw she got his name wrong, the guy she was reffering to is Called Tim Jonze... I'm not sure who Alexis is. She later deleted these tweets.


    Tim responded with this article:



    Then again with this...guess they were just desperate for clicks :lmao::





    Some of Lana's sassy replies:



    And you can find more at the "Lana's sassy replies" thread here: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/4488-lanas-sassy-replies-appreciation-thread/?fromsearch=1


    Hope that clears everything up :kiss:

  4. Idk if this is a particularly unpopular opinion, but Sirens is Lana's worst record imo.

    Don't get me wrong, some songs such as Sirens (/drive by/for k/rehab... I'm really unsure about the official title) is beautiful, river road (next to me?) is fantastic, Star For Nick and Bad Disease are both excellent, but the majority of the album is just boring. The melodies are samey and uninspired, some of the lyrics are REALLY cliché and overall most of the songs just don't do anything for me.


    The only good songs are: Sirens, River Road, Star For Nick, Bad Disease, My Momma, How Do You Know Me So Well?, Pretty Baby, Birds Of A Feather ... Ok, that's more than I expected to write, but the rest of the songs are just awful.

  5. Besides, she's going to be touring in the summer, so she probably won't have much studio time to record a whole new album...

    Hasn't she already recorded a handful?


    You seem to like evoking the 50s imagery in your songs: the golden age of recording studios, ladies singing late at night with their big band…


    Yeah, I love it. I love nightlife, the mood that comes from it. That’s why I wanted to meet Mark Ronson: I played him ten songs I just composed for this next album.

  6. I don't understand why I keep seeing all of this "Ultraviolence flopped" nonsense, particularly from insecure Gaga fans. Lana took a risk with a much less commercial sound and didn't promote the album and it still sold 1.2 million in six months. It was the third best-selling female album of 2014 despite the aforementioned factors working against it. BTD took a year to go gold and UV is almost there. On top of that, it's one of the most critically-acclaimed albums of the year.


    I mean, I'll take quality over quantity any day, and I usually listen to stuff that never sells, but it's ridiculous to say this album flopped. When do alternative albums with no big singles ever sell 1.2 million WW? Quality albums stick around for a while and I'm sure this one will continue to inherit the same kind of longevity that BTD has.


    Also: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/how-lana-del-rey-fought-to-get-her-radical-ultraviolence-lp-released-20140718



    Also, guys, it took our girl a year to start talking about a follow up after BTD. We've barely had UV for 6 months and Dalai's already recorded TEN demos for her next record, and she seems a lot more confident about making this record then she was coming out of the BTD era. All that promo and PR was just more weight on her shoulders tbh :hooker:

  7. Hey guys I'm kinda new to Twigs but I bought her song Water Me and I always thought that the phrase "water me" meant, give her some time and love her and she'll grow into a great woman but recently I've been listening to the song and the line "he won't make love to me now, not now I've set the fee; he said it's too much in pounds I guess I'm stuck with me...when making love is free" and I started to wonder if when she said "water me" she meant that once he is ready to satisfy her (shower her in cum) their relationship would grow. I don't know, I've never been the best with deciphering lyrics but after looking up the lyrics to Two Weeks I can't help but wonder. Am I right? Or is this just me making everything about sex again? :lel:

  8. Idk, for me it's just not the best opener, it's a good song (there isn't a bad song on the record, just some that are kind of jarring and don't really fit, or some that don't compare to the rest of the record) and imo ID has some of the best lyricism of the entire album, but Desperado just grabs the listener's attention much quicker and it has that jazzy intro with the radio DJ talking about Azealia's 'new record' which, idk, always made sense for me as an intro to the whole album.

  9. In my opinion, Desperado works miles better as an opener to BWET than Idle Delilah. Plus it's just a better song in general. There are quite a few songs on this record that I just find kinda disposable, & nude beach a-go go does NOT deserve to sit on the same record as 212. But damn when Azealia gets it right


  10. Racism is systematic oppression. White people are not oppressed. White people can be oppressed because of their gender, sexuality etc., but not their skin colour. Therefore, reverse racism or racism towards white people does not exist. Prejudice towards white people is real, but white racks certainly is not.


    Anyway, I got True Romance for Christmas! :legend:

    Prejudice is the word I was looking for, I'll go back and edit my posts to be more politically correct then. MOVING ON I just got True Romance for christmas as well! I guess I'll just listen to that until we've all forgotten my mistake :shh2:

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