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  1. Im super excited for your interpretations of Honeymoon in the next weeks/months
  2. Ooooh thank you so much! (btw: how is it that you both have so much knowledge on these things? Like... that's SO interesting. Are there some websites/books you would recommend? I´m kind of new to this whole spiritual "world" and I was so amazed to find out that Lana uses such symbolism in her art... That makes me love her even more.)
  3. I´m so excited... Thank you!
  4. haha I thought the same! I just don´t understand her, because she says something different everytime...
  5. someone posted a soundcloud link it works for me, I´m from Europe too ->
  6. why do you think so? i haven´t heard the song yet...
  7. Is it confirmed that Lana is a Vegetarian? I don´t remember where I got this information...
  8. litewave and deadagainst: Thank you sooo so much for taking your time to post such interesting and detailed interpretations. And please keep posting! Everytime I see this thread having new posts I'm beyond excited.
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