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Everything posted by kik

  1. Ce qui me sidère, c'est que plusieurs de ces critiqueux sont incapable de se faire leur propre opinion. Ils ont entendu dire qu'elle s'était plantée à St-SNL et ça leur suffit pour se faire une idée d'elle.
  2. Ce mec est clairement amoureux. Beaucoup de glacage, mon cerveau était pret à exploser, j'ai du faire plusieurs poses. Malgré cela, ça fait du bien d'entendre de si belles choses sur Lana. Il l'a vraiment bien saisie, tout le contraire des (de bien des) États-Uniens.
  3. Qu'ils aient foutu l'extrait d'une parodie de Lana en mentionnant qu'elle cultivait son coté ambigu me rend ultraviolente. "Elle veut se tirer une balle parce qu'elle a été la cible d'attaques sur ses lèvres pulpeuses" Du journalisme culturel de qualité.
  4. Depending on how the light hits her face on some picture, that stuff she gets injected in her lips makes her look like she has a mustache. Photographers should be more careful of that detail. Oh wait... I got one on my own picture as well... Mustache girls.
  5. Where's the Kyrgyzstan thread?
  6. Trentre trois réponses dont la moitié est constituée d'obstination et de crêpage de chignon au sujet du terme "hispanique". Je peux toujours m'immiscer dans ce thread-ci et chigner qu'il devrait acceuillir les francophones et non simplement (sans offense) les français. Ça brasserais peut-être aussi de la marde, comme on dit par chEU nous!
  7. Cults are so fascinating, I'm not surprised she was inspired to write about it since she has an interest in codependency. To know how involved she was, probably not much, if not at all lol! There are different types of cults and some are very hardcore and some are more "respectable" organizations, like Raëlian movement, but honestly, I would avoid them all like the plague. Gurus master the art of manipulation, they are going to brainwash you to eventually totally control you (financially, sexually, psychologically...) I saw a movie about it twelve years ago and I immediately bought the book of an ex member of the sect who told her story. It was a great read, but very disturbing. I didn't care much about the gore, but I wanted to know WHY these members would not leave the sect. Here's some info I found on wiki that explain how powerful these gurus are. Don't read if you are sensitive: Thériault was a charismatic leader[citation needed] and none of the other members questioned his judgment or blamed him for any physical, mental or emotional damage.[3] The Ant Hill Kids raised money for living by selling baked goods[7] and members who didn’t bring in enough money were severely punished. Thériault spied on his members, making sure everybody was completely devoted and punishing those who strayed, claiming that God told him what they did. His punishments were extreme. If a person wanted to leave the commune, Thériault would punish them with either belts, hits from a hammer, suspending them from the ceiling, plucking each of their body hairs individually, or even by defecating on them.[8] Despite his devastating punishments, the members of the Ant Hill Kids never questioned his authority. His punishments included making members break their own legs with sledgehammers, sitting on lit stoves, shooting each other in the shoulders, and eating dead mice and feces. A follower would sometimes be asked to cut off another follower's toes with wire cutters to prove loyalty. The children were not spared, and not only were they sexually abused, but they were also at times held over fires or would be nailed to trees while other children threw stones at them. Thériault was also responsible for the death of his own infant, as he left the child outside during a blizzard. Going back to the original mission of the commune, Thériault strongly believed in purifying his subordinates. He would rid them of their sins through purification sessions where the members would be completely nude as he whipped and beat them. Claiming to be a holy being, Thériault demonstrated his healing powers through surgeries performed on sick members. He would sometimes inject 94% ethanol solution into followers' stomachs, or perform circumcisions on the children and adults of the group.[4] When follower Solange Boilard complained of an upset stomach, Thériault laid her naked on a table, punched her in the stomach, jammed a plastic tube up her rectum to perform a crude enema with molasses and olive oil, then cut open her abdomen, and ripped off part of her intestines with his bare hands. Thériault made another member, Gabrielle Lavallée, stitch her up using needle and thread, and had the other women shove a tube down her throat and blow.[9] Boilard died the next day. Claiming to have power of resurrection, Thériault bore a hole into Boilard's skull with a drill, and then made other male members—along with himself—ejaculate into the cavity.[4] Gabrielle Lavallée underwent harsh treatment herself during the years leading up to 1989. She had suffered through welding torches on her genitals, a hypodermic needle breaking off in her back and even eight of her teeth being forcibly removed.[8] Upon her return, after having escaped from the commune, Thériault removed one of her fingers with wire cutters, pinned her hand to a wooden table with a hunting knife and then amputated her entire arm. The abuse that caused Gabrielle Lavallée to leave, however, is when Thériault cut off parts of her breast and smashed her head in with the blunt side of an ax. She fled and contacted authorities. The cult shut down in 1989, when Thériault was arrested and given a life sentence.[4] Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault WTF, I read that text again and it's so violent it's hard to believe it really happened... Even after he was sentenced, some of his very faithful wives came to visit him at jail and they had more children as they were allowed to use the trailers (federal jails here allow convicts to use them temporarily to meet their significant other with more privacy). That's crazy. How blind can one be. Thériault was found dead near his cell, February 26, 2011, at Dorchester Penitentiary, in New Brunswick. He was 63 years old. His death is believed to be the result of an altercation with his cell mate, Matthew Gerrard MacDonald, 60, of Port au Port, N.L, who killed Thériault and has been charged with the killing.[12][13][14] MacDonald pled guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison (having already been serving a life sentence for a previous murder charge). MacDonald stabbed Thériault in the neck with a homemade knife. Afterwards, he walked to the guards' station, handed them the knife and proclaimed, "That piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife, I've sliced him up." Jeez...
  8. If she'd had a thicker skin, perhaps she wouldn't be able to write such powerful songs. Suffering is inspiring. Her vulnerability is beautiful.
  9. Since so many people (myself included) like to lanalyse, here's what I found a few months ago when I tried to understand the difference between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): causes, symptoms and treatments Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental illness, characterized by emotional instability. What is it? Individuals with this disorder have difficulties with impulse control, maintaining relationships, self-image and identity, and may show "black or white" thinking. Self-injury is a common occurrence with this disorder. In addition, BPD is often complicated by other psychiatric conditions, such as eating disorders, residual Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety disorders, and presenting risk behaviors. Symptoms of BPD Individuals with BPD may exhibit extreme bouts of anger, depression or crippling anxiety. They may be associated with episodes of self-injury, nonlethal suicide behaviors and substance abuse. Individuals may have frequent changes in long-term goals, careers, friendships, gender identity, sexual behaviors and values. Some individuals with BPD view themselves as unworthy; they may feel misunderstood, bored, and empty; their sensitivity to other's judgement is frequently managed in an adversarial way. Who is affected? Symptoms of BPD usually first occur during adolescence or young adulthood. One to three percent of the general population is affected and women are three times more likely to be diagnosed than men. BPD accounts for 20% of psychiatric hospital admissions Causes of BPD There is no single factor that causes BDP. However, both environmental and genetic factors are believed to play a role in the development of the symptoms. Research findings tend to show that many individuals with BPD report a previous history of abuse, neglect, or separation as young children and stressful events during adolescence or adulthood. However, many people with BPD haven't been through any abuse, neglect or extreme stress. Treatments of BPD Most BPD patients are treated with behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Group and individual psychotherapies are partially effective for many BPD individuals. Dialectical behavioral therapy, (DBT) which focuses on an exchange and negotiation between the therapist and patient, has been found to significantly reduce self-injury and suicidal behavior in BPD individuals. Medications such as anti-depressants and mood stabilizers may be used to treat symptoms such as depressive episodes or volatile emotional outbursts. Antipsychotics may also be used to treat distortions in thinking and behavioral activation. Aide-mémoire The word PRAISE is commonly used to remember some of the BPD features: P - Paranoid ideas R - Relationship instability A - Angry outbursts, abandonment fears I - Impulsive behaviors S - Suicidal behaviors E - Emptiness To know if she has this exact disorder is not that important, I mean it won't change anything, but somehow I wanted to share as I like to demystify mental illness. I don't think she behaves very consciously when she lies or exaggerate situations. Or she may act half-consciously, like she can't really control it. She seems to mix reality and her fantasy world she created.
  10. I find the story more believable when I hear Nina. They both have vocals I like, but I don't know... it fits Nina better, but I really like Lana's version.
  11. I don't think she wants her fan to leave her alone, It think she just mean that although she enjoys the love and attention from her fans, that kind of love is not enough to make her happy. When you reach the top and you realize that, it must be really scary.
  12. Plus she's a Gemini/Cancer cusp, which means she has the influence of both signs (she's mainly Gemini though). Cancers are ridiculously emotional people.
  13. All the love from her fans will never fill the emptiness she feels inside or increase the love she doesn't have for herself. That's not real love, it's not shared, she's not connected deeply with people and it's understandable. The applause is just a thrill. It's not reality. And she can't face reality. She can't find a place where she belongs, she can't find people to rely to and she have a hard time keeping meaningful relationships. She still feels alone when there are so many people who would like to love her and care for her. I might be wrong, but that's how I see things. It's sad.
  14. Can you explain the LYRICS of Fucked my way on the top ? Nope!
  15. Thank you, but I'm a bit confused... I had a few signing teachers in my life. I never really persisted in singing, because let's face it: I hate my voice, but I'm learning to love its uniqueness. It's hard because I feel like I fit nowhere. Or unconsciously, I try to imitate other singers voice when I sing their songs and it doesn't sound right at all. Like the very girly parts in many of Lana songs: I sound like... I wouldn't say a man speaking like a woman, but close to (I'm a woman btw). But that might be the color of my voice that doesn't fit this style (the girly parts). The video says to sing those notes "comfortably" and I'm not sure how comfortable I am in higher notes. I don't feel like my throat is squeezed, but my voice is more shaky and I move to head voice just after a few notes. So, my range is mezzo-soprano, but I feel more comfortable (in term of style that fits the identity of my voice... sorry if it's not clear) in the lower part of my range. Give me a song from Sade and I'm happy!
  16. G2 to A5. If I focus, I can do F2-B5. I'm more comfortable in the lower part of my range. Born to Die fits me like a glove. I don't know what my range is called. I don't get it.
  17. Well, she has a funny way to put her thoughts into words sometimes. She could have said that seduction is her passion, but it may have sounded vague. I also find men very predictable. Years of experience in the flirt department I guess.
  18. LOL, that was at least 10 years ago, so I had to make a bit of a search... Last year the contemporary market value of chastity was on parade in relation to Britney Spears, whose agents made public that they had received a businessman's private offer of $7.5 million for a first night with the star and her virginity. "It's a disgusting offer," she told a newspaper. "He should go and have a cold shower and leave me alone. It's outrageous how a man like that can offer something that is totally unacceptable." 7.5 million dollars my ass. They were British pounds! That made $12 million dollars at that time. I remember perfectly because I was 21, too irresponsible to pay the bills and wished I would receive an indecent proposal myself. I think she refused the deal because her hymen wasn't intact anymore and we would all have discovered she was a fraud. Maybe.
  19. Most celebrities can be hired for personal appearance. Some are paid millions and they are not forced to accept (remember, Britney refused to sell her virginity for 12 million dollars many years ago lol...). Does that movie influence your perception of singing in weddings being "cheap"?
  20. People in the States will sing along, no doubt about it. The audience reaction is different depending on the country where the show takes place. Some cultures are more expressive than others. I agree that going to a show where people are not very enthusiastic can affect the experience negatively, but a crowd that sings very loud can be annoying if it covers the artist's voice. The sound system must be good enough to cover the crowd. Tbh, I don't like when people sing along, even when the sound system is good, because Lana doesn't sing the same when she's live and people sing like she sings in her studio recording and they are not in unison, (different pitch and rhythm). Really they should just stfu and listen.
  21. kik

    Lana Del Rey, Montreal!

    My back hurts. I got in line two hours before the show, which I deeply regret. I wish I was in the front, but whatever... The problem is, this show is not made for that big of an audience in such a big venue. There was 11 500 people and there's an intimate feeling to her performance that didn't work at that big venue. The sound was so-so. She was a bit more than an hour late I think. My poor back lol... Her performance was very good though. Pretty much what I expected from the review of her previous shows. The highlights for me was the guitar solo on Bel Air when she hugged her guitarist, it was amazing. Then, in part of one song (damn, can't remember which one) her voice was very different than everything I heard from her before. She was belting and her voice became very intense, I wish she would sing a bit more like than in her songs in the future I cried at Video Games. She looked great in her white dress. Seriously, I felt like I was in another world in some part of the show and I don't remember everything... One thing that was special to me was to feel her torment and complexity during her performance. She is a very unique and lovable human being. (These are not my pictures, but I think they look great!) (and 3 videos I made... they suck, but I wanted to live the moment by focusing on the show itself, not the camera) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C14lYQN-l0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mZnD9A27w0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJqeh2kZZXI
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