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Everything posted by theweightofthehours

  1. That wasn't me! lol I didn't buy NFR! I think you're right to a degree. Anyways, I saw on your profile that you like Breathe Deeper by Tame Impala. I genuinely can't get enough of that track, easily my favorite from TSR followed closely by On Track.
  2. How can someone spend so much time talking about something they dislike?
  3. Lol are we still with the NFR is lackluster, beige, flat, etc bullshit? Just accept the fact that you guys are just mad cause your personal favorites Lana records didn't get the praise and recognition that NFR got. Period. Bye. Don't @ me.
  4. Listening to NFR right now and still in disbelief. Like, ugh.
  5. Can we please stop comparing NFR! to UV. What is the point, they're two completely different albums. So unfair she didn't win, I'm so mad. What a waste of her time. I'm glad she showed up wearing a dress from the mall.
  6. Hm. She looks good and the dress is nice but something is missing. Also that hair is not it.
  7. Maybe I'm delusional but I still have hope she will win AOTY. She deserves it, goddamnit
  8. IDK if you guys are familiar with Khruangbin but I hope she goes in a similar direction with this new album, she would sound fucking incredible.
  9. Venice Bitch will forever be my favorite from the record but the title track, fuck. I've been listening to it non-stop. The fact that it has that Disney-like intro and it's sonically so dreamy but the lyrics are sad af. Genius. And she sounds like she's singing in your ear, so beautiful and intimate. If she doesn't win AOTY at least she deserves song of the year for NFR.
  10. I've come to the conclusion that she's trolling us. like for real lol I liked the video but she's def trolling and that's why I love it
  11. That was what I gathered from it as well and I couldn't express it. I don't know why people can't get over the fact that she's not interested in doing these big budget music videos anymore. Or that she's "tamed" now. Like I couldn't disagree more, but that's just my opinion.
  12. That was kinda cute! I liked the cgi stuff and some of the shots were actually really nice. I don't understand why wasn't all on super8 film though but anywaaayyysss I'm glad we got this little present. I didn't notice Alex not knowing the lyrics to HIAB lol, wasn't pay too much attention to her friends honestly.
  13. I- Venice Bitch a weak song? Wtfffff. Lyrically it's not her best by any means but that is not the point of the song imo. Even without the outro VB is beautifully crafted and the melodies are gorgeous. I'm not an Antonoff stan and when I heard she was collaborating with him I was like "hmmm idk about this" but they gave us her most candid album to date. There's just something palpable in her voice that sounds more real. Like she finally let go of the persona she created. That's why I barely listen to Honeymoon, some of the tracks in there are among her best, like the title track, SoC, TLY, but in retrospective it feels like it was Lana Del Rey making a self parody. I don't know. I'd still make NFR shorter though, she needs to start to filter out songs that don't add to the cohesiveness of a record. And stop sharing fucking snippets. Anyways, that's just my opinion
  14. Bullshit. That's lies she says to not sing new stuff and actually put some effort. In her mind maybe she thinks it's okay cause after the show she hangs out with fans and shit but no.
  15. Wow. I love her but wtf. Why is she acting like such a brat?
  16. I feel like it's the Freak/Cherry of NFR. Don't get me wrong, it's a good song, she sounds amazing and I enjoy it but in my opinion it doesn't fit with the rest of the album, sonically. Especially the outro. I'm glad we have it but in the context of the record it feels a little out of place.
  17. This is dry. Venice Bitch will forever be my favorite from NFR. It never gets old. Like I'm so glad we have it, it's so beautiful.
  18. Ok since we're all dragging NFR now, like we anticipated... I love Cinnamon Girl but it's the type of song she needs to stop putting in albums. I've come to enjoy HTD. TNBAR shouldn't be on the album, I was never a big fan of the demo and I don't mind the change in the lyrics. But it sounds so boring, I skip it every time. I wasn't into Bartender very much but I really like it now. The album would be perfect with just 11 tracks. Doin' Time as a song is great but it shouldn't be in the album either. And I'm sorry I know Hope is gorgeous and I get why a lot of people love it, it's beautifully written but I can barely listen to it. So that's that.
  19. Venice Bitch is the best song of her entire career. Even better than Video Games. There I said it.
  20. That performance was incredibly beautiful, she sounded like a fucking angel. That kind of setting is what suits her best.
  21. I agree about the livestream and LFA. I feel like she sounds better in a more intimate or small venue but festivals not so much. I'm not dragging her though, just saying.
  22. Why are you guys blaming BBC? C'mon now. She's been sounding pretty bad lately in her live performances.
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