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Everything posted by theweightofthehours

  1. Yeah these live videos ain't it. Idk what's going on with her voice but she seems like she struggles a lot to sing. The Ariana cover sounds slightly better than the Sublime one.
  2. lol But she did kind of create a persona pretty much until now? Anyways, did she like NFR or not?
  3. So why is sis mad at that reviewer, really? I was at work and it was a super long review, didn't feel like reading it.
  4. I feel like he seems to be such a cool dude, like if I was Lana I'd have such a crush on him. I- How do y'all know everything? You're like the FBI or sum
  5. I know it doesn't matter but I want to see Fantano's review. Looking forward to see him annoyed because he liked the record.
  6. I don't want her to work with Rick or Emile or Dan Heath ever again. Sorry. I'm grateful for the songs they gave us, but... I don't know, that's how I feel.
  7. Yes, it truly is something else. Might be my favorite album opener from her. So gorgeous.
  8. I'd like her to fully embrace the psychodelia of VB for the next record and mix it up with dream pop and some ambient.
  9. That's the only part I don't really dig that much. The "bart-t-t-tender" one. I feel like Change drags a little at the end, but that's just my opinion. Riverside is so gorgeous Also, you're from Buenos Aires? Hiii
  10. I think in the first verse of Cinnamon for instance, when she sings "you try to push me out..." her voice becomes more clear as if she was singing from another mic or it was recorded in another take. HTD has some volume changes or something. Some minor stuff I'm sure they noticed but decided not to fix them.
  11. Yess, it's just so beautifully made. I don't mind the technical issues some people are mentioning, the melodies are just so sweet and magical, she has never sounded this good.
  12. I'm sorry UV baby but you have been replaced, this is her magnum opus and that's that on that.
  13. I was a tad surprised, I didn't think she was going to enjoy it that much but she basically was crying and screaming for 40 minutes lmao
  14. Thank youuuuu. Body Electric bores me to tears.
  15. I still don't understand why Venice Bitch isn't the album closer.
  16. Please do! There's just something about it that reminded me of two songs in particular. Seventh Tree is stunning. Such a tender and beautiful album. <3
  17. Yes!! Lmaooo I was just going to say that. LMAO It's a lovely album.
  18. Does anyone else get Goldfrapp's "Seventh Tree" vibes on the title track? Or is it just me?.
  19. Of course it was gonna leak from a fucking cassette. I mean. This entire era was/is an incredible M E S S so this makes perfect sense. Also I wonder if Lana really cares, didn't she say once "I kinda don't have a plan about the release" or something? So maybe this is all on purpose idk.
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