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  1. Yeah, it could be an accident (and I deeply hope so). But, we need someone who was there to tell the truth.
  2. Hi guys, Before beginning this topic, I really don't know if it's true or not / if someone already talked about it / or if I'm in the good section. So, sorry if I cross a line. Mmh, few hours ago I saw some messages on facebook "Lana Del Rey France" and Twitter. Here some a captions : So, it's what I've heard by french fans : Last night in Toronto, during the concert ("National Anthem" was playing), Lana leave the stage to thank her fans (autographs / photos). But one of them pulled her hairs ! Lana was schocked and she cried. I'm quite worried guys. I hope it's a lie... But, for some reason, french fawks are really well-informed about Lana. I PRAY THAT IS A LIE ! She doesn't deserve it. No one deserve a such cruel and meanless attack !
  3. Someone says "Why there is not the LANA DEL REY in the background of the cover ?". I was thinking of something : maybe Lana doesn't want to be only listen by fans. Maybe she "hides" her name to seduce some new people. The media tarnish her image, and without her name, some people would get this album without thinking "Oh, it's this stupid Lana Del Rey. Fuck that shit". It's like a reborn... I'm going to far. -_- It's just a supposition
  4. We don't know. Maybe it is this picture.. We'll see.
  5. Um, everything is not only in the US. Sometimes, Europe gets information/realease a way before the US... (Hey, did last week an exclusive interview of Lana was published on a french magazine ???). I have a lot more examples but that is not the subject ^^ FNAC is a very huge partenership for medias selling. That's not even a surprise. Some people around here thinks that's fake. Mmh, ok, but I still have my ordering and you not haha. Nevermind. Ultraviolence is coming soon.
  6. Um, why it is so weird ? That's the principe of preordering things ! I have already receive my bill
  7. It's not weird. There will be 2 versions of Ultraviolence : one of 11 tracks ; and one of 14 tracks. ^^
  8. The content of this : < french > "Edition super deluxe limitée, avec dans un coffret 2CD, 2 Vinyls picture disc, 1 carte de téléchargement de l’album, 1 livret 16 pages, 4 photos exclusives et une pièce de merchandising." ! Oh, for those who don't understand the words after "vinyls picture disc" it said : "1 download card, one small book of 16 pages, 4 exclusives pictures and one goodies" I suppose. But this sentence was quite easy, right ? *i'm dancing like a crazy old woman*
  9. Hum, if you look carefully to this page : < http://musique.fnac.com/a7254636/Lana-Del-Rey-Ultraviolence-Coffret-Super-Deluxe-2-CD-2-LP-Livret-et-photos-CD-album > There is in the bottom the words "VISUEL PROVISOIRE" translation to the french : "provisional visual" so it's an unofficial picture... It's very current in France (i don't know in others country) but to present something that is not even finish. The soundtracks's list was find on Amazon, I really don't think this huge website is joking about promotion. ^^ I already preorder the Ultraviolence vinyl, even if the cover is from West Coast single. I really don't care of a such detail. They take my credit card and that's all that matter for me
  10. Yep, preordering in France is good (lana and me = soon, an eargasma *o* (Just so exciting !)) Fnac propose international shipping, even if it's base in France. Look, there is some info there : http://selfservice.fnac.com/selfservice_FR/template.do?id=8011 But the price they put here it's not the truth. I once order a vinyl for the US, and I pay 2euros. Maybe it's depend... I really don't know. If they said the shipping is free for this article till tonight, give it a chance and think twice.
  11. It's real, I suppose. LOOK : https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/983647_511040092329355_7440009548890025780_n.jpg
  12. I already buy my vinyl today (23 euros) ! The shipping is free for France till tonight. But there is a ultimate box (49 euros) !!! http://musique.fnac.com/a7254636/Lana-Del-Rey-Ultraviolence-Coffret-Super-Deluxe-2-CD-2-LP-Livret-et-photos-CD-album
  13. I think UV is going to catch some new kind of public. But, we'll be still there, guys.
  14. My only expectation with "Ultraviolence" : a vinyl version in the same time of the CD's one. I only have Lana's Vinyls (Born To Die / Paradise / Young and Beautiful in Gatsby). <3
  15. ... I'm thinking about something. Vinyls tend to be more around 8-12 soundtracks. Maybe she wants a shorter album. Having more than 12 songs is kind a new thing. Am I wrong ? 11 or more songs in Ultraviolence, I'm gonna buy it the first day ! I'm so curious.
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