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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. Let's not put this out in the universe, please. No more Joni unless it's A Case of You
  2. Aren't they dating? Didn't Lana post a photo where she was kissing him?
  3. If Surf Rock = piano... Death Metal = laptop acapella demo?
  4. I dreamed about the song and it sounded beautiful it started with a slow piano, and the chorus was bombastic, serving Dealer vocals
  5. Maybe this song being featured on a huge popular TV show pushes Lana to go a little more mainstream again Technically she wouldn't have to do much, cause her fans would do her job like they've been doing for the past decade
  6. I mean, we got two albums no more than a year ago, and we're getting two songs this year at least!
  7. What's that zip folder you-know-where
  8. Enough manifesting either one thing or the other. This year we're getting everything! I'm putting it out in the universe
  9. Okay, but what if... The matcha evolved and became slime?
  10. Not the matcha... Those were the good times before all the chaos unleashed...
  11. Fear not, my dears. If Lana keeps on releasing piano ballads I'll make sure to turn them into bombastic bops All you have to do to show some support, is vote for me for "Best Audio Editor" on this year's edition of the Lipsters Awards
  12. This isn't directed at you, but in general. So I'm sorry if I sound deranged but, I need to say it We sort of need to drop that idea that we are greedy or spoiled for wanting new music, even if it's a few months after Lana released her latest album Lana is always writing and making new music, so if she wants to release it, is because she wants to, not because she's obligated or feels like she has to (to please us) We know that she doesn't really "care", and if she wants to take a break, she will. She won't think it twice. If she wants to go full radio silent or simply disappear, she will (as she's been doing for the past 3 years) It's not crazy to *wish* or *want* new music. Ever since she started, she's been releasing an album almost every year, with some standalone projects in between. So why is it farfetch'd to expect something from her, if that's the common thing with her? Now, however, a different thing is that some of us (including me sometimes) are entitled and *demand* things from her as if she must do it. Yeah, it's her job to make music, but it's not her job to do whatever we want (especially considering this fan base complains about everything) This is her journey after all, and it's her decision to tell her story whichever way she feels like. Even if we might like it...or might not...
  13. The way this could very much be a real Lizzy song It kinda slaps
  14. We need cinematic Lana again no hate to the folk Lana era tho, but y'know
  15. Okay, let's not start acting superior TikTok stans are weird, but down here we're weirder. Besides, it's the least she can do to get some profit, she'd get the coins she deserves and we'd get the songs we like on streaming services
  16. For real, tho. Jealous Girl, Queen of Disaster, Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight, Serial Killer... it could even be a little cute EP.
  17. I mean, if she wanted to, she could just release the demos that are different and call it a day
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