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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. This wouldn't have happened if Lana'd used one of your covers for Chemtrails
  2. Manifesting Lana to have scat as the exclusive alternative cover for BB deluxe
  3. Lana... What you don't tell no one, you can tell us...
  4. I moved... Why can't she announce it already, since she's online...
  5. It's never too late to leak it, if it's been scrapped, dear Leakers..
  6. I don't mind waiting, I just want the tracklist... Something to hold on to, yk?
  7. Ugh, she looks incredible!
  8. The half-painted blue banisters waiting for him to come by every may, to finish them
  9. They certainly can't ban us all, can they? No, because we're the ones keeping this forum alive, yup!
  10. Why you so upset, what's the problem? Everybody knows you're a spammer too, anyways... Why you are a snitch, when you got so much... spam to post on these threads...? These mods ere cool, but they'll never let us be ourselves... Baby, it's true... Ooh... we'll never behave! They call us spammer queens! C'mon, baby, if you want to, you can spam some gifs too! We will spam threads, and won't stop it by our any means!
  11. This thread drama is more entertaining than the last two eras...
  12. She said, »You can't be a stan and be happy, too...«
  13. I'd rather her baddie era back than this country rich wife era I HATE IT! IT'S ALL NIKKI'S BLAME!
  14. Is that the chick who jumped into the pool and swam with Nikki Lame
  15. Because we can Nah, but in all honesty, SQ and Thunder outdo most of Lana's latest released songs (with the exception of BB/WW) so
  16. Someone should hack her label's system and add Serene Queen to the tracklist we NEED that bop released!
  17. It sounds good Wish Chemtrails/BB had that production I'm upset now.
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