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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. I keep forgetting November/December is cold for Americans I've always wanted a sexy spring/summer album, but it's literally fall/winter for us down here
  2. August/November always seemed like sexy months for me for sumn reason I wouldn't mind if the album comes out in November tbh. As long as it features some sultry and playful slow songs
  3. I guess you can call it... ✨text✨ ✨book✨
  4. I think what BOZ meant by "new thread" was about the new single. He knows about future releases, and Lana said it's coming "soon ish" so... But I'd love if she released the unreleased album it would be cool if it was digital only
  5. Not her pulling another Chemtrails situation...
  6. I know it's too soon, but I LOVED what we've heard, and it's shaping to be one of my fav Lana's songs! it just sounds so good, her voice... ugh!
  7. There's no official confirmation just yet. Lana was said to have changed (yet again) the name of the album. But could have ONCE AGAIN changed it back to BB, and we can't also rely on Lana's words BOZ said he'll get an update on Monday, so we have to wait...
  8. So, this is what we know (according to BOZ) The new single is possibly the new title track. It's a piano ballad produced by Drew Erickson. Its length is around 4/5 mins and the sound is very similar throughout, but she delivers vocals
  9. BB cover... Yup, her discography artworks section is getting decent again. The world is healing!
  11. I mean, we sort of guessed it was going to be on the album, but... Not really happy with the news hope it was heavily reworked!
  12. Lana first woman to have an era without an actual album, yup! she did that!
  13. Dealer - Dealing Down at Topanga's State Park Music Business Conference - But I Have It (ft. Nikki Lane) (Bluegrass Mix) ?
  14. I wish she would call us "little bitches/fuckers" again
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