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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. That's not the problem, tho? Lana is known for her ballads. The thing is, some of hers are good, some great, and then we have the new ones, that for some reason, feel... like there's something missing. The production doesn't have to be grand, Is This Happiness is simple, yet effective. It has a beautiful melody. It works. But then, we have songs like Woman, or Blue Banisters and it's crickets (even though BB is a grower)
  2. If she needs to take a huge hiatus in order to make good music again, I won't be mad
  3. I don't give a fuck anymore, I only want another Ride/Freak quality song
  4. At this point, it's not even delusion anymore, just derangement
  5. 1. White Dress 2. Chemtrails 3. Wild 4. Yosemite 5. Tulsa 6. Wanderlust 7. Dark 8. BUS 9. Woman 10. For Free 11. Dance Till We Die Yup
  6. I'm sorry, but it's the truth BB is her worst title track (it doesn't mean it's a bad song, just that the rest are better)
  7. And she said to a fan that the album was renamed, didn't she?
  8. I hope Cherry Blossom has some more interesting production. It's fine already, but it'd be great even if has some faint strings or guitar, I want more dimension
  9. I didn't say she wrote it for Chemtrails. Loved You Then and Now was the title of the song, when she was still recording Chemtrails, ergo, it's an outtake (as it could also be an outtake from another album as well) We know the song has "rock candy sweet" as part of the lyrics, but that doesn't mean the song isn't titled RCS anymore. Especially since Lana announced the song as RCS (even though it could be another WHF situation) ??
  10. But Loved You Then and Now was the title of the song when she was still recording Chemtrails. I thought she'd renamed it...
  11. There's no denying that these new songs are beautiful, but they're not groundbreaking. And Lana is known for switching up every single album if she really wants to focus more on the songwriting, and have a more stripped down production, why can't it be like NFR?
  12. People really about to unstan let's see if that changes when Lana releases the album In any case, see when you do clownery, Lana...
  13. 01. Yes to Heaven 02. Living Legend 03. On Our Way 04. Noir 05. Queen of Disaster 06. Prom Song 07. Driving in Cars With Boys 08. I Talk to Jesus 09. She's Not Me 10. Serene Queen 11. Hawaiian Tropic 12. Wild One 13. Life is Beautiful 14. Thunder her magnum opus I fear
  14. If Lana were to break the art cover tradition, again, then I hope it's a textless cover (if she decides to use the selphie)
  15. The girls have been very nerve-racking lately...
  16. I mean, breaking traditions could go both ways. I remember everyone wanted Lana to break the tradition of her art covers, and then hated the Chemtrails one I wouldn't personally like it, unless she renamed the album, in that case BB can even be scrapped
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