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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. I mean, she could totally pull it off... I think we might get tracks like Fuck It and Tulsa/Cinnamon. Stripped down tracks with trappy beats and some synths here and there, something very lo-fi and chill. At least 1 track, it's something to expect
  2. In terms of songwriting, it's pretty much settled Lana wouldn't go back to the BTD style (not because she's "old" at 35, but because she's in a different state of mind) but production-wise? She's diverse. A lot of LFL songs had that hip hop/trap beats, same as some tracks on NFR and even Tulsa on Chemtrails. I don't see how it's so farfetched to think her working with a producer who's known for that kind of music would result in something similar?
  3. What do we think the rest of the album will sound like? Most Lana albums are composed of ballads + at least 1 "upbeat" song (West Coast, High By, Doin Time, Tulsa) With Mike on board, I thought we'd get more songs with heavy beats, ala Born to Die, but it's apparently more of a Honeymoon situation, where it's only ballads with hip/hop beats...
  4. I would adore if Lana ever released a documentary about her life. Her career is just too interesting and curious. From her May Jailer era, to who she has become now. I'm sure she has lived many experiences throughout her life, and while she has talked about it on her songs, it would be interesting to have a more deep insight on her life I would also like to know more about the process of the creation of her music. How does she come up with those ideas, how does she execute them, etc. Her music is so rich and detailed, it'd be so fun
  5. While I think the Grammy situation was the last straw, there must have been something else going on behind the scenes. Lana was after all, praised a lot for Norman, so I was confused as to why she decided to reply to the critics after all that time. What really happened to her or through her mind for her to finally snap and say enough is enough? I'm so curious, hopefully we'll get some answers on the album
  6. I wonder what's going to happen if she gets nominated and loses again... I mean, all of the drama started after she lost last year she might go on a rampage
  7. A tribute album with reimagined songs by LGBTQ+ artists (+allies) is set to be released I lowkey wish Lana would do the same for BTD
  8. Lana has ALWAYS name dropped in almost all of her older songs, just because you guys don't know who were she talking about, it doesn't mean they weren't real people, so I don't really see why does it bother you now? I mean, I personally think it's corny, and I never liked it, but it's not like Lana started doing this in the recent songs? I'm used to it by now
  9. ANYWAYS, I'm excited to see the guitars back , we must thank Daddy Mike hopefully they're electric this time and not acoustic tho
  10. And then we have Madonna No, but I agree and I think it's okay. It's part of growing up and finding yourself. Just because you get older, it doesn't necessarily mean you become boring, it means that you see the fun in different things. And hey, at least we'll have the unreleased we keep finding out about bops every year, God knows how much more are still waiting to leak!
  11. I think I lowkey understand what Lana meant by "revenge" on this album. She seems to be giving a background story to her personality/songwriting style, explaining why she is the way she is. Something she failed to in the past (Annie interview, or even her Instagram posts, etc.) I might be wrong, and I don't want to make assumptions. But Lana explaining her tough relationship with her mother makes so much sense, in my opinion, and are a reason why to her songs about "domestic abuse" and "toxic relationships". If that's all she's known when growing up... I can see her being drawn to, once she was older. For her, that seemed "normal", even though she knew it was wrong and would hurt her. Those are her experiences, something she already said multiple times, but never fully developed. But now she is, in form of lyrically deep haunting melodies, and it's helping her heal I think we're definitely in for a ride with this new record, and we will hear many more personal stories
  12. I'm surprised there aren't reaction videos yet is the gp tired of her
  13. has anyone screenshotted her post? I just woke up from a nap
  14. Wildflower, Wild at Heart and Wild One knowing they're the badass bitches of the house! Wild On You (Color Blue) can CHOKE.
  15. I feel Lana is making music for herself this time, her songs have been VERY personal lately and while the production might not be some people's cup of tea, I'm glad she's confident enough to go deeper and talk about her issues on a more direct way, other than using a character for her storytelling (like in past albums)
  16. Didn't we see Lana with a bottle of beer in her room on that one Instagram video, adressing the criticism about her take on Trump...
  17. The songs are complex, it's okay if you can't appreciate them yet
  18. I jumped when I saw Aurora and The Neighbourhood would be on the album... I hate gays.
  19. I HATE THIS GIF OMG but we need it as an emote, @mods
  20. Wait, I didn't know the tracks were up on Shazam??? Did we find any other tracks?
  21. I hope she's not expecting to "surprise drop" them because everyone knows at this point
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