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Everything posted by plastiscguy

  1. It sucks now we'll have more songs to look forward to Praying they leak relatively soon, and we don't have to wait years
  2. All we can do is pray not to get disappointed, but also not to have big expectations
  3. I mean... It really can go both ways. We know the album was originally about "revenge" which lead us to believe it would be experimental/rock-ish. Then she dropped those three songs, two of them piano ballads. So, she either scrapped the original concept and went more for a soft sound, very stripped down. Or she went back to the experimental production, after all she's working with Mike Dean
  4. And added the country songs she made with Nicki Lame
  5. But will she post the same selfie with the new album name, tho?
  6. It's what makes me think there is a possibility of the album still coming relatively soon. Perhaps not July, but September. It's going to be a very low-key release
  7. It's mostly our fault, too, to be fair Stan culture is pretty toxic, and some of us seem to forget Lana is a human being with feelings too. We tell jokes, because people laugh at them, but they can very offensive and we might not notice sometimes. We are also pretty entitled, sometimes even demanding. And tho, it's true, Lana wouldn't be where she is without her fans, it's not like we own her. She receives a lot of hate, and most of it from the people that are supposed to support her. And I get it, she's not the easiest person to deal with, but it's not like we MUST engage with everything she does/say. It happens a lot with other artists, where fans think they're friends with their faves, and feel like they owe them If Lana ever addressed it, even though she doesn't need to, it would be great. We need some boundaries. And I say "we", because even though I'm not the worst fan out there, I'm not a saint either and I can be harsh sometimes for no reason (And, of course, the media is to blame too)
  8. The disconnection between artist-art/artist-fame/artist-fan that's been going on for years now it's getting deeper. I understand why everyone's worried, the "Lana might quit" theory is getting stronger I, obviously, don't think she's going to quit, but she does seem tired and it's understandable. I feel she could disappear one day, but still come back some now and then to release new music, but it's going to be very low-key She does deserve a break, so I wouldn't be upset. I would miss her, but we have plenty of songs already, and if disappearing for awhile, makes her return stronger than ever... I'll take it over the mess she's been releasing for the past year now
  9. 3 songs in and I can already tell it won't... Honeymoon had a few weak songs, but they were still more powerful than the last songs released, sadly But if she releases a long ass album with +13 tracks, then we might be able to fairly compare
  10. I mean... I'll take any aesthetic over the country/folk grandma style
  11. Okay, but a ballad ala Prince, Elton or even Whitney tho
  12. How could they know something was happening tonight? Maybe because @Terrence Loves Me is actually Lana confirmed!
  13. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQCh9AcBfKf/?utm_medium=copy_link She looks... different...
  14. If the selfie is really the album cover, then I'm stealing this and replacing it
  15. Okay, but Lana having an evil twin is such a fun concept I want Evil/Baddie Del Rey back for this era
  16. I had a dream, a magazine posted an early review (a positive one) of the album and leaked the whole tracklist everyone was having meltdowns. And then, there was this song she'd released and it was so beautiful I'm manifesting it all becomes real
  17. Someone hack Lana's phone and delete that selfie for good, I'm sick of it
  18. This. The prime example is Katy Perry, or Demi Lovato.
  19. Yeah, but everyone was blaming Jack for being "boring". Some of us have been saying it was Lana's decision to go this route for MONTHS, but everyone else was pressed, denying Lana had any input and saying it was Jack's fault the production of her latest songs was so boring/plain
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