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Everything posted by Foxglove

  1. BtD - lying to herself cuz her liquors top shelf UV - because I'm pretty when I cry HM - you should've known better than to let her get you under her spell of the weather, now I'm falling for forever, playing these games LfL - smoking while I'm running on the treadmill but I'm coming up roses, could it be that I fell for another loser??? NFR - you just crack another beer - I watched the guys getting high as they fight for the things that they hold dear
  2. How many people do you think Lana can actually fit in her car? I hope this is addressed in "In Your Car"
  3. why. cant. i. just. quit. checking. for. news. oh god i need NFR on my playlist its me, your dumb little faggot bitch who keeps wanting to unstan but somehow keeps coming back to lanaboards. legalize euthanasia
  4. NFR leaked, I listened to it, 66.6 minutes of pure silence but at one point you could hear a rat scratching the microphone and a terrifying clown laugh then back to silence
  5. Get the dick but not man child dick. Otherwise you'll end up at Hillsong with an album thatll never come out
  6. Norman not-fucking-these-types-of-men Rockwell : if you don't ruin your conception of self worth and sanity thru letting men treat you wrong, you dont have to go thru the grueling self caren't process involving Matcha, becoming basic, and church. NFR by LDR: a cautionary tale , coming "soon"
  7. Girls and gays - don't validate fuckboys and man children by letting them fuck you. It'll only feel worth it in the moment bc you lowkey like to be treated like trash bc it reminds you of your past relationships, but in the end, it's not fulfilling and your fantasy is what got you off more than that dude's dick anyway
  8. Oh Lana and her questionable taste in men... She's made a career out of it at least. And wtf some people just want to get fucked, it's called enjoying being alive. And there's power in getting fucked, which is why men are scared of women and gays. I don't like the idea that the only appropriate feminism is when woman try to masculinize themselves. Tho this type of discourse on LB turns into certain folk goin off ab how white men are the most important in history so idfk
  9. Someone help me understand - is Lana trashing the man child in NFR title track or is she actually into him? It's like damn girl you said yourself he's a fuckboy so why are you even letting this happen
  10. I hate to agree with you, but I agree 100%. If Lana was trying to be taken 'seriously' as an artist, the last thing I'd expect her to do is collab with actual regular Pop stars. Like no shade to Ariana and Miley - they're not my tea but I respect them bc they seem genuine at least - but I don't see how their music is similar at all to Lana. She was bringing old school to new school and both Miley and Ariana are kind of just run of the mill pop. If Lana has a collab with Taylor Swift, I'm digging my Stan card out of the shredder, taping it back together, spitting on it, screaming at the sky like Jennifer Love Hewitt in I Know What You Did Last Summertime Sadness, driving to Cha Cha Matcha, lighting my refurbished Stan card on fire, howling a desperate plea to the old gods to reclaim their abortion of a musician, and finally moving on with my life with the kind of peace of mind you get by never thinking of Taylor Swift or Elizabeth Granted-we-were-warned-she-was-fake-af
  11. Damn I wish I was into it ... #boringfuckingrockwell , y'all enjoy tho. Where are the good albums this summer
  12. i will be holding weekly sessions at Cha Cha Matcha, see you there, dont forget to tell your friends and family
  13. i just want to say - art is not short for artifice. "art" (from latin "ars") came into recorded use in the english language as like "skilled craft" around 1300, while "artifice" first meant something like "ingenuity" and didn't shift in meaning towards "fakery" till around the 17th century. Artifice comes from Latin "ars" as in skilled craftsmanship, and "facere" meaning "to make." The "artificial" as in "unnatural and fake" connotation came later. http://www.word-detective.com/2012/06/artartifice/ There are plenty of artists who hype their personal stories but are not lying or being fake. Like, is Bjork a mythological Icelandic goddess re-incarnated as a '90s punk to heal the world through music and bridge the rift between nature and technology? In real life, yeah kind of tbh that's what she does. MIA is another artist who people have picked apart for her personal story and called inauthentic but a lot of her art comes from the reality of being a refugee fleeing a war zone whose dad founded the Tamil resistance movement, and she has said explicitly that real life is her inspiration because it's what she knows. Art can highlight something meaningful without being fake. Art can involve fakeness and still accentuate a truth about reality, or a truth about the artist. Creating a persona to better tell a story that has meaning and a basis in reality and truth is not uncommon. People who actually just shapeshift all the time and are different people from one day to the next really do exist, also, and are not necessarily lying as much as just being dynamic individuals. Lies and fakery just to become famous and make money are, to me, completely fucking worthless and devalue anything they may pretend to be about. Because at that point it's not "art" it's just a cheap and shallow representation of nothing but aesthetic that does absolutely nothing to actually enrich or explain or give meaning to life and reality for people living with the truth. This is why I was into Lana at first bc I thought she was saying something deeper than she has now shown she ever was. And I personally related with whatever persona she was putting on, like probably a lot of us here did. Because something she was playing at was true and real in my life even if it wasn't in hers. And maybe she's jsut like cracking under the pressure of being famous in 2019, or maybe she's pregnant and just doesn't want anyone to know but her whole life and career is taking a backseat, or maybe she's been fake the whole time and she's nothing but a basic rich white girl with no care or knowledge about anything but herself and her own touristy experience. Who knows? But art =/= fakeness. Art can be truer than true, and that's what I thought Lana was repping at first, talking about making her life a work of art and blurring the lines between the real and the fake. That's why I thought she was interesting. But not if she's actually just fake. Thank you for attending my seminar
  14. every time i close my eyes... it's like a dark paradise no one compares to you; i'm scared that you.. wont be waiting on the other side
  15. This exactly, and thank you for censoring potential trigger words in this trying time. I am done with Elizabeth but this all happened after I got a taste of upcoming album / botched sociology experiment Normorn Forking Rorckworll. In the alternate reality where NFR actually gets released, I will download the zip for free, listen to Cinnamon once, wipe a single tear from my eye before it drips down my cheek, sniffle, nod to myself several times, then furrow my brow and shake my head once, then toss that floppy disk in the wastebasket - never to await another LDR album again. then i'll probably dig through the trash to find the floppy disk, listen to the album several more times in secret over the next few weeks, then finally kick all my bad habits one day WITHOUT attending a single church service
  16. wasnt 'Norman Fucking Rockwell' announced as an album when Venice Bitch came out? and she said it was done months ago, right? i can't be the only one remembering this. no one would have any reason to even expect another album coming out if it hadn't been for Lana herself explicitly saying it. Now i'm mostly just trying to laugh (and cry) about it while waiting for leaks . is it that deep?
  17. This is Norman Fucking Rockwell Pre-Release Thread, a real-time spiritual exercise. I feel like we're being tested for the next level and will have to pay all my money to L. Rey Hwoolridgegrant for the next in the poetry book series and another round of matcha detox and then maybe we get invited to the secret NFR Island where we are forced to work tirelessly sewing Norman Fucking Rockwell merch. The album is eventually released and every song is a spare piano ballad with minimal production and wind rushing in the background, but in the Norman Fucking Rockwell Pre-Release Thread, it's always page 2000
  18. we are so close to 2000 pages without norman fucking rockwell
  19. hun, where did i say i was mad some of her friends are moms? some of my fave artists are mothers, Lily Allen, MIA, Bjork. it was just part of a description of her current wannabe-not-really-understanding-what-an-insta-baddie-basic-vapid-white-LA-church-lady-in-ill-fitting-yoga-pants-and-bad-cardigans lifestyle as opposed to "stoner rock goddess living on the wild side" which is an incarnation of LDR i still am holding out hope is a dangerous thing for to see in upcoming 2984 album "Norman Fucking Rockwell"
  20. honestly, when Lana said that NFR was gonna be a lil Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sublime, surf rock, etc etc - I thought she was gonna dive into like a Californication stoner rock persona, which i would have lived for. But no, it's nothing but church, matcha, and Easter egg hunts with her mom friends.
  21. Hillsong promotes a conversion therapy program while conversion therapy is not backed by any scientific premise and statistically, leads to higher rates of suicide for gay kids and young adults. They do not allow LGBT folk in leadership positions, as a rule. Meanwhile, the Bible says that gays should be put to death. The actual history is that the Church invaded indigenous land, stripping property and power from independent women and what are now known as LGBTs, and started colonizing, infiltrating government, and operating tax free on a moral code that explicitly promotes genocide, slavery, misogyny, death to gays/witches/indigenous people, the inherent evil nature of everyone and you, blood sacrifice, torture, cannibalism, and the fucking apocalypse where most people will die horribly. LGBT folk are more likely to experience poverty, homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, violent attack, or murder than the general population. LGBT people have been deemed crazy and told that God condemns them BY the church. LGBT spaces have been invaded and people have been arrested for centuries, and that's just now changing. Putting that on the same level as some people not being into BDSM is reductive, stupid, and dismissive of reality. You're ignorant and prejudiced trying to act wise.
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