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Shanice Jones

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Everything posted by Shanice Jones

  1. Shanice Jones

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone have a link for "Painkiller" ???
  2. Shanice Jones

    Charli XCX

    And the real question is.... where is "party 4 you"
  3. Does anybody have the snippets? i couldn't listen to them on time (
  4. How do you know it's a concept demo?
  5. HEY EVERYONE, I'm lost... I was in a group with some diamonds and they were talking about two songs that were supposedly scrapped from L + F: Cause I'm a Woman and Beautiful World.... where did those name come from?
  6. If it's Worth It The Art of Letting Go Karma - Piano/Stripped version Karma - 90's Demo
  7. And now it's when i ask... where's Water Under the Bridge?
  8. HERE'S A LINK TO LISTEN TO NFR IN HQ, HOPE YOU LIKE IT! https://music.apple.com/tr/album/norman-fucking-rockwell/1474669063
  9. MARINA snapped with STBS. It's like happy 2.0
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