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Everything posted by Kommando

  1. I think she did that for the whole tour actually ! Queen of power chords
  2. It looks like her old playlist from 2012 with the addition of Love. Ben is trying, Im shaken, king of online promo
  3. I just want her to get on TV because she looks so FUCKING GOOD i want all these fads on the top 40 rn to be left shook and disoriented My favorite verse from the Bible
  4. This. She has a really good collection of songs that stand on their own as true masterpieces. Not many artists do, even very good ones. Works that are proof of her intellectual and emotional instincts, her love for music, whether it be pop or guitar-voice pieces. She is a modern classic, maybe not renown, but some of her stuff, even from her May Jailer days, is just transcendental and yes, immortal.
  5. Shut the fuck up and wait for new music uglies
  6. She's back to 2007 Lizzy Grant My Space management level
  7. Just heard Love on French radio, Europe wants her back
  8. Such dellusion yall lmao. Let her be. I'm kind of disappointed about Love's "promo plan" but maybe the leak changed stuff. We don't know what's to come though, and we don't have the record yet, so let's look forward to that. And I don't think 99% of this forum wishes for her to remain a marina-like artist, not even in the hayday of the UV era were most people calling for that. Most of us want her to succeed. And even if it was true, how come her team takes us seriously ? We're like, 200 people on this forum. Her "hardcore" fanbase irl is way bigger than that, and they always buy her tickets and scream ceaselessly during her shows. Although Ben & his pals could learn about some interesting aspects of their job from members on here, we don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Moving on !
  9. Kommando


    Interesting, ok song. But the video gosh, you can tell she adores herself so much, to the point that it gets obscene
  10. She only mentions Bill once in a bridge which is kind of hazy and fast, her driving a car, sorting out memories ; therefore if she name drops Bill in that context, it doesn't mean that the song is about him, I think that it's just some kind of flash from the past, possibly because of the similarities between her lover and Bill or the emotion the image adds to the song.
  11. Me : I stan Lana bc lyrics BAR : My baby nanananana protection Nananana baby nanananaa cigarettes Nniieeehhhh ahaaaahaaa Bez amerikon rihcord Ahaaahhaa
  12. Was she having a seizure while recording this ? Lana's emo mumbling was just upgraded to a new standart. Queen of narcoswing indeed !
  13. Lemony Snicket voice : this was bad. Very bad. However, as expected, the worst was yet to come.
  14. The chorus instrumentation is straight out of pro-tool, are yall deaf ? I hope she didn't ditch the guitar in the final version since she said LDR5's sound has been "updated"
  15. Less witchcraft and more listening to music baby
  16. Lana Del Rey : plays the same barre chord for 6 minutes Me :
  17. I'm not a professional in any way, but why does the chorus production on most of her demos sound so tacky the acoustic verses with electronic textures are so dreamy
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