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Everything posted by Kommando

  1. why is everything so expensive ? don't they know that we about to face a recession lmao we're GAY we can't splurge on diva merch and prep at the same time
  2. Unlike MAC and VB, I feel like they didn't work these songs up to maturation, but they're great anyway. I like how the Greatest is weird and classic at the same time, but maybe a tad too square ala Cat Power's The Greatest, and I was SO hoping for a third chorus like mother DELIVER. The video is eye candy.
  3. This is so messy but I feel like the mess isn't fully fleshed yet...
  4. Are the lyrics changes in the BAR chorus real ? Like ? What was she THINKING ?? Not listening tho
  5. Oh and her early days as a folk singer circa 05-06. A genius. Even the early versions of AKA songs : Brite Lites on guitar ? Dark, haunting, a perfect mixture of grungy folk and 50s horror glamour. I don't know where that comes from, how that wealthy boarding school debutante could spur out something so incredible for her age and with THAT potential. Just incredible. I think that would kind of be a popular opinion, but the whole persona she crafted (beatnik welfare folky and trailer queen lizzy grant morphed into oxytocin Del Rey) has been more of an influencial figure, archetype on me, than Elizabeth Grant lmao.
  6. I find it very hard to actually know what to think about her current work or her work as a whole. She's been (and still is) such an important artist to me, and things have changed so much over the past few years, that I struggle to understand what I used to love about songs, albums, themes, why, do I still like them, do I like what she's putting out, how is it related to what she's done before. Like I like her so much and am so used to listening to her that I will always get into her new stuff anyways lol it's just as I'm changing as a person and getting into aesthetic and art theory so I'm having this confusing moment about her. Just skimming over the last few pages it's obvious that she is a very elusive and controversial artist, I mean I've rarely seen stans get into so much debate over so little things, and girl I've meddled with Beyoncé zealots.
  7. So, whatsup u twinks and underpaid faggots. I heard about this composer credit thing. Where can I read it ? a sister needs some tea.
  8. I think it's uggh... Irregular with her. Like sometimes she just doesn't care and sometimes she actually is that binch hmm slims arons is livid
  9. Regarding the cover, I think a lot of stuff you don't like/understand is deliberate. For instance, the guy: that's part of the concept, him being dull and Nicholson's son. She's having this classic 60s white bourgeoisie moment (ala National Anthem), but with a modern twist : she stands next to the offspring of a great golden star, she wears a baddie outfit rather than a 60s hairdo. California is burning in the background. She occupies the stage like a man would in a vintage, patriarcal work : in the center, holding her man in a commanding fashion, at the helm like a leader. She's alluding to her aesthetic (a modern take on American archetypes) and this record's project : a Rockwellian illustration of her time through portraits, iconic cultural representations and a mishmash of images. That's actually one of her most coherent project coverwise.
  10. lmao mam I'm sorry I've been away for a few months but is she now a hillsong girl ? BITCH I-
  11. I feel like she's in this process of peeling back all the layers of who she is to give way to the core of her being, her artistry ; I also feel like it's this phase of being more laid back, a normie tbh, in her artistic life. + it is an aesthetic in itself, just as the lavish tumbr Btd visuals were an aesthetic, just as the film noir 70s shtick with UV was an aesthetic ; now it's the "2010s bourgeois vegan cool unaffected indie artist" period.
  12. That second comment... Wasn't she the one to mention azealia banks to tell her to "pull up" ?... The lack of self-awareness, I wish ! Queen of clap-backs tho, I want her to drag me publicly and ruin my reputation
  13. She finally fixed those goddamn extensions ugghh
  14. What's her point even, she tries to appear politically sound when her support for Trump is only for show, and has no basis in her core values, whatever they might be, if she has any. Why tout yourself as a woke liberator, as a black woman who doesn't "follow the script", while backing a president who basically thinks every black person in America is either a terrorist or a house slave. She doesn't care either about exploiting poc in foreign lands, or capitalism for the matter ; she's trying so hard to be in Kanye's lap (a rich entrepreneur and a nepotism afficionado) to get him to manufacture stuff for her through Adidas. She doesn't get to call people on their bullshit.
  15. I can't BEAR the Change slander going on in this rotten place. Can yall gays stan songs that are NOT love songs ? Come on faggots, step up your game
  16. sis really came for that bourgeois scum ! Drag his imperialistic ass ! I live for her leftist soccer mom tirades
  17. It is safe to assume that the people at Interscope and Lana are aware of that fact, and they are still releasing this. So it's quite obviously a non-issue because no one really cares about that, in the context of that record. Now I wish they would do more with these long songs, I mean she did say she was inspired by the Beatles' psychedelic era, well hello, movies, photoshoots ? But we will see.
  18. Omg she literally can't shut up I love this bitch
  19. Her late 60s-early 70s Dylan era is upon us uuughh fuck me up Queen, devour Joni Mitchell's power
  20. The only thing I don't like is that her vocals are not mixed loud enough to my liking. Apart from that this is pure TASTE and PANACHE. daddy jack and moma del rio snapped
  21. They better boycott the apartheid if they want the queen of socialist pop to stan !
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